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Bug 83060 - ebuild for tomboy-reminder plugin
Summary: ebuild for tomboy-reminder plugin
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] GNOME (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: dotnet project
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-02-23 05:30 UTC by Frederic Grosshans
Modified: 2006-12-07 12:44 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Tomboy Reminder plugin 0.2 ebuild (tomboy-reminder-0.2.ebuild,1.14 KB, text/plain)
2005-02-23 05:32 UTC, Frederic Grosshans
Tomboy reminder 0.2 ebuild (tomboy-reminder-0.2.ebuild,840 bytes, text/plain)
2005-02-23 09:22 UTC, Frederic Grosshans
Tomboy Reminder 0.2 ebuild (tomboy-reminder-0.2.ebuild,851 bytes, text/plain)
2005-02-23 10:22 UTC, Frederic Grosshans
Tomboy Reminder 0.2 ebuild (tomboy-reminder-0.2.ebuild,851 bytes, text/plain)
2005-02-23 11:06 UTC, Frederic Grosshans
tomboy-reminder-0.3.ebuild (tomboy-reminder-0.3.ebuild,922 bytes, text/plain)
2005-02-23 15:07 UTC, Raphael Slinckx
tomboy-reminder-0.3.ebuild (tomboy-reminder-0.3.ebuild,1.06 KB, text/plain)
2005-02-24 11:29 UTC, Raphael Slinckx
tomboy-reminder-0.3.ebuild (tomboy-reminder-0.3.ebuild,1.29 KB, text/plain)
2005-03-04 06:12 UTC, Raphael Slinckx
tomboy-reminder-0.4.ebuild (tomboy-reminder-0.4.ebuild,902 bytes, text/plain)
2005-04-09 12:24 UTC, Raphael Slinckx
tomboy-reminder-0.6.ebuild (tomboy-reminder-0.6.ebuild,884 bytes, text/plain)
2005-04-13 08:38 UTC, Raphael Slinckx
tomboy-reminder-0.7.ebuild (tomboy-reminder-0.7.ebuild,978 bytes, text/plain)
2005-05-11 05:19 UTC, Raphael Slinckx

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Frederic Grosshans 2005-02-23 05:30:31 UTC
The tomboy-reminder plugin ( can be very useful. 
I wrote the ebuild from the original script.
Since it's my very first ebuild, I'm not sure of it:

 * I don't like the hard coded TOMBOY_EXE path
 * I didn't include the mono dependencies, since they come from the tomboy depencies, but I'm not quite sure.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Frederic Grosshans 2005-02-23 05:32:17 UTC
Created attachment 51937 [details]
Tomboy Reminder plugin 0.2 ebuild
Comment 2 Mike Gardiner (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-23 06:08:03 UTC
Re-assigning to dotnet/latexer as tomboy is handled by the dotnet herd. Please don't assign bugs unless you know who the maintainer is (hint: check metadata.xml next time).

Not sure if DEPEND is accurate, doesn't it need mono/gtk-sharp as well?
Not sure if it should inherit gnome2 either.
Comment 3 Peter Johanson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-23 07:50:53 UTC
Few things:

1) Depend atom should include package category.
2) Use $(get_libdir) instead of hardcoded lib in "/usr/lib" as eventually this stuff will be working on amd64 where they sometimes use /usr/lib64, etc.
3) Don't bother defining those variables, if you're just using them in one place each.
4) No need to be so verbose.
5) Don't use mkdir/mv, see "man 5 ebuild" for the "insinto", "doins", etc commands that are preferable.
6) Like Obz said, I see no need for the gnome2 eclass usage here, you can remove it.

Just minor things really. Thanks for the ebuild.
Comment 4 Frederic Grosshans 2005-02-23 09:22:44 UTC
Created attachment 51959 [details]
Tomboy reminder 0.2 ebuild

This ebuild is updated taking the remarks of comment #3 into account.

6) I initially took the gnome2 eclass from tomboy's ebuild.

I'm not sure dependending on mono through Tomboy is a good idea, since I don't
know if it make sense to install tomboy and then remove mono.
Comment 5 Peter Johanson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-23 09:27:08 UTC
Ebuild looks much better. Concerning the mono dep, as you are explicitly using mcs to compile a C# item, please do include the mono dep for completeness sake. It harms nothing. Lastly, since you no longer use the gnome2 eclass, you should remove the DOCS variable and instead install the docs via dodoc in the src_install() function. Thanks.
Comment 6 Frederic Grosshans 2005-02-23 10:22:55 UTC
Created attachment 51965 [details]
Tomboy Reminder 0.2 ebuild  	


I've also added gtk-sharp (same version as needed by Tomboy) since it's
mentioned in the mcs command line. 

Anything left ?
Comment 7 Frederic Grosshans 2005-02-23 11:06:13 UTC
Created attachment 51974 [details]
Tomboy Reminder 0.2 ebuild

The dodoc line is correct in this ebuild. Sorry for the mistake !
Comment 8 Raphael Slinckx 2005-02-23 13:21:55 UTC
Hi !

I'm the author of this package, I just wanted to notify you that a new release will soon be made, and maybe it's worth waiting (somthing like one or two days).

The fact is that tomboy has some problems with delegates crashing mono when using plugins, so it will cause much pain if released in the wild.

I'm talking to tomboy developpers to see what can be done !

While i'm at it, is there anything i can do to improve the packaging ?
Comment 9 Peter Johanson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-23 13:28:20 UTC
Hey Raphael,

Ok, we'll hold off on this for now. As far as packaging, only thing that might make life a little easier is a nice makefile/autotools setup, although that's by no means required.
Comment 10 Raphael Slinckx 2005-02-23 15:07:19 UTC
Created attachment 51990 [details]

Ok I made the autoconf/tools/etc configuration, now i updated the ebuild, that
I attach.

The package isn't released yet ! (i'm waiting for tomboy developpers answers)

However i noticed that the einstall line throws a sandbox violation because it
tries to write to /usr/lib/tomboy/Plugins

This path is detected by the configure script but isn't using the predefined
variables like $(libdir) (since i must put it in the tomboy plugins directory)

So i don't know if i must fix the automake, or fix the ebuild to allow the
program to write in that location..

(i used $(cat $TOMBOY | grep Tomboy | tail -n 1 | cut -d\" -f2) to get the
tomboy Tomboy.exe file location, where $TOMBOY is detected by autoconf)
Comment 11 Raphael Slinckx 2005-02-23 15:15:11 UTC
Changing the src_install() to:

src_install() {
   TOMBOY_PLUGINS_DIR="$(dirname $(cat $(which tomboy) | grep Tomboy | tail -n 1 | cut -d\" -f2))/Plugins"

   doins ${S}/src/tomboy-reminder.dll


Allows the ebuild to work, but it's quite hackish
Comment 12 Frederic Grosshans 2005-02-24 04:06:08 UTC
Why don't you keep the hardcoded (but less hackish) directory definition from the src_install in my last 0.2 ebuild ?

That would be something like

src_install() {
	insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/tomboy/Plugins/ || die "insinto failed"
	doins Reminder.dll || die "doins failed"

Comment 13 Raphael Slinckx 2005-02-24 11:29:19 UTC
Created attachment 52058 [details]

Updated now it doesn't do the sandbox violation, installs just manually the
.dll in the correct dir (the same used in the makefile)

Is that ok ?
(still no answers from tomboy devs..)
Comment 14 Raphael Slinckx 2005-03-04 06:12:22 UTC
Created attachment 52648 [details]

Updated ebuild, released 0.3, I put the dbus dependency to 0.23.2, because
previous versions did crash tomboy whenever a plugin was installed. I don't
know if this causes a problem, beside that the ebuild can be published for me..
Comment 15 Frederic Grosshans 2005-03-08 03:59:19 UTC
The 0.3 version of the plugin doesn't work for me. I don't see any notification, and it even don't accept any link from a note with a notification :-(
Comment 16 Frederic Grosshans 2005-03-08 08:30:20 UTC
By the way, dbus is diasbled by default in tomboy in the 0.3.1 ebuild, so your last modification shoudn't change much. And it doesn't work with dbus-0.23.2 eneabled neither.

PS: I use mono-1.0.6. an icu-2.6.2 Could that be the source of the problem ?
Comment 17 Raphael Slinckx 2005-04-09 12:24:13 UTC
Created attachment 55785 [details]

New version, should hopefully fixes problems with tomboy crashes, updated the
autotools, so now it works seemlessly with portage (no more sandbox violation,
and a cleaner ebuild)

For me it can go live..
Comment 18 Raphael Slinckx 2005-04-11 04:48:06 UTC
Added time handling as well as date
Show the note window on top of other apps when reminded

Simply bump to 0.5
Comment 19 Frederic Grosshans 2005-04-13 07:22:35 UTC
Now everything works fine for me with version 0.6 (same ebuild, bumped). The problem raised in comment #15 is solved. 
Comment 20 Raphael Slinckx 2005-04-13 08:38:59 UTC
Created attachment 56171 [details]

Version bump, added ~ppc, removed unnecessary dbus dependency (tomboy does'nt
use it), added more comments at the end.

That's nice to hear frederic ;)
Comment 21 Raphael Slinckx 2005-05-11 05:19:57 UTC
Created attachment 58657 [details]

Updated ebuild and package that works with tomboy 3.2, using their pkg-config.

I'm not sure about the pkg-config part in the pkg_postinst, to retreive the
tomboy plugin path. here it works, of course, but what if the user hasn't
pkg-config ? I suppose it is an implied dependency against system, or

No new features..
Comment 22 Priit Laes (IRC: plaes) 2006-01-26 04:29:22 UTC
I tried the 0.8 version from Raphael's homepage, but it doesn't work (crashes on startup) with Tomboy 0.3.3. This seems to be an upstream problem.
Comment 23 Saleem Abdulrasool (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-12-07 12:44:19 UTC
The latest version is now in portage.  All rejoice!