GNU libmicrohttpd introduced some API changes that break compilation of C++ code and may generate warnings in C code. See This bug should be used as tracker for packages broken with >=net-libs/libmicrohttpd-0.9.71.
app-admin/conky supports new MHD versions
app-metrics/collectd-5.12.0-r1 supports new MHD versions.
sys-apps/systemd works fine with new MHD API from systemd version 246. All systemd versions in Gentoo repo work fine.
>=net-wireless/kismet-2020.12.3 wrongly has dependency on MHD. This and later versions use C++ Beast library. Anyway net-wireless/kismet compiles fine with new MHD.
media-tv/kodi works with with new MHD versions
Seems that net-p2p/retroshare doesn't use libmicrohttpd and uses restbed instead.
net-misc/oidc-agent works fine with new MHD API. The code was not adapted even in the upstream git, but new MHD version produce the only one harmless compiler warning.
NOTE: While libmicrohttpd changed API, the ABI remains the same. So dependent packages do not need to be re-compiled.
net-misc/bfgminer is C programme, so code works fine with the new API (harmless warning only). Code compiles fine. However net-misc/bfgminer itself is broken in Gentoo repo currently, linker problem related to -fnocommon, see
(In reply to Karlson2k from comment #9) > net-misc/bfgminer is C programme, so code works fine with the new API > (harmless warning only). Code compiles fine. Correction. Tested package is net-misc/bfgminer-5.5.0[proxy_getwork, proxy]
net-libs/libnpupnp was adopted to the new MHD API, no build errors or warnings.
net-libs/czmq works fine with the new MHD API.
net-analyzer/greenbone-security-assistant 9.0.1 and 20.8.1 compiled fine with the new MHD API. Version 9.0.1 was not adapted to the new API, but as it's C code, only warnings are issued. Version 20.8.1 was adapted to the new API and compiled without warnings.
media-video/motion compiles fine with the new API. Version 4.3.1 was compiled with warning (C code), version 4.3.2 was compiled without warning.
media-sound/upmpdcli compiles without any warning.
media-sound/sc2mpd-1.1.7 was not adapted to the new API and currently depends on <=net-libs/libmicrohttpd-0.9.70. Version 1.1.8 (available upstream) adapted to the new API.
media-plugins/gmpc-mserver-0.20.0 compiled with the new API. Produced some warnings about incompatible pointer types, but compiled just fine.
I've checked all dependent packages and found that only three packages are not ready for the new MHD version: * dev-cpp/libjson-rpc-cpp-1.3.0[http-server] * net-p2p/xmr-stak-2.10.8[webserver] * net-p2p/xmr-stak-rx[webserver], versions 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 None of these packages have stable build in Gentoo repo. No packages depend on these packages. The net-p2p/xmr-stak package is masked and scheduled for removal. The rest two packages can be enforced to compile with '-fpermissive' flag, but I suggest instead make them depend on '<libmicrohttpd-0.9.70'. All other packages are ready for stabilization of libmicrohttpd-0.9.72 (I actually checked with this version).