While updating with emerge -DNuva @world, I get (dev-python/pillow-7.0.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="jpeg lcms tiff truetype zlib -doc -examples -imagequant -jpeg2k -test -tk -webp" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_6 -python3_7 (-python3_8)" conflicts with dev-python/pillow[python_targets_python2_7(-),python_targets_python3_6(-),-python_single_target_python2_7(-),python_single_target_python3_6(-),-python_single_target_python3_7(-)] required by (sci-libs/scipy-1.1.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="doc -sparse -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_6 -python3_7" dev-python/pillow[python_targets_python2_7(-),-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] required by (media-gfx/uniconvertor-2.0_pre379-r2:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" I think this issue occurs because scipy and uniconvertor still depend on python2. I guess scipy can be fixed by removing its python2 dependency. However, uniconvertor does not yet support python3 (https://github.com/sk1project/uniconvertor/issues/19). It is a requirement of the current stable inkscape. It seems that the inkscape beta does not depend on it, however. Reproducible: Always
Same here and media-tv/kodi-18.6 also depend on dev-python/pillow[python_targets_python2_7(+)]
This should no longer be the case as all modern scipy versions are py3-only, and uniconvertor was removed. Please reopen if you still have problems.