The file pulse.png required by the game glines is missing in the tarball. A workaround is to extract this file from gnome-games-2.6.2.tar.gz and copy it to /usr/share/pixmaps/glines.
This file has become part of the gnome-games-extra-data package(new for the 2.8 branch). This package contains extra artwork for various games that is not necessarily required. qpkg -l gnome-games-extra-data |grep pulse /usr/share/pixmaps/glines/pulse.png
Hm... but if you run glines, it would complain about the missing file and won't even start.
it runs fine here without the file, can you provide an exact error message?
If I delete this file, I get an error dialog box, which says: -------------------------------------- Five or More could not find image file: /usr/share/pixmaps/glines/pulse.png Please chech Five or More is installed correctly [OK] -------------------------------------- After pressing ok, the program terminates wich error code 1. I think, it's because the pulse theme was selected before upgrading to Gnome 2.8 and now has been removed. But If you can't start the program, you can't change the theme, so this isn't very nice. Maybe a warning should be placed in the gnome-games ebuild that some themes were exported to another ebuild? BTW, I see another strange effect in this game: menus, buttons and other widgets have no border (unlike other gnome apps). Is it supposed to be that way?
ah ok, I hadn't selected that theme so I didn't run into the problem. This is probably something that needs to be reported upstream, it should default to an available theme if the one requested isn't available.
I posted this bug in the Gnome bugzilla:
Thanks, it is much appreciated that you are taking the time to track this.
A Gnome dev fixed this in CVS. Now THAT was fast! :-)
Emerging gnome-extra/gnome-games-extra-data-2.8.0 resolves the issue as well. Wendall
I'd suggest to place an ewarn to the gnome-games ebuild, which states that most themes were moved to gnome-games-extra-data. At least until a new tarball is available from upstream.
thanks again for checking this. Going to mark resloved as upstream. A notice should be put into gnome-games about theme moving and the new local useflag. There will be another gnome-games release within the next few weeks, but here is the patch to fix this issue if anybody else on the gnome team thinks its worth adding in now.
added 2.8.1-r1 with the patch, please test.