On a system when I built it, I've got: dev-embedded/libftdi and media-libs/portaudio even though they weren't requested in ebuild. Looks like design of the ebuild makes it so: audio? ( >media-libs/portaudio-18 media-libs/alsa-lib ) ftdi? ( dev-embedded/libftdi:0 ) with not further handling of these flags. This is probably because of this upstream commit: commit 81a55d23049b7153207a943b3a7c890ca574c686 Author: Alec Leamas (xxx) Date: Thu Feb 27 11:50:05 2014 +0100 autotools: Don't allow configuring a single driver. With drivers loaded dynamically, it makes no sense to configure just one. User can just build one driver later on, by using the Makefile in plugins dir. Or she can build all but just use a subset at installation time. Simplifies configure.ac a lot. Clean up last directory fixes in configure.ac, those are now in plugins/Makefile.am in a simplified form. which is all unfortunate for the reasons listed here https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Quality_Assurance/Automagic_dependencies.
Reported upstream at https://sourceforge.net/p/lirc/tickets/336/