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Bug 65105 - "which" has a text relocation which can be avoided - suggested resolution supplied
Summary: "which" has a text relocation which can be avoided - suggested resolution sup...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: solar (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-09-23 08:46 UTC by Kevin F. Quinn (RETIRED)
Modified: 2004-11-25 11:52 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

readelf -a /usr/bin/which outptu (which-readelfa-here,17.72 KB, text/plain)
2004-11-04 00:01 UTC, Kevin F. Quinn (RETIRED)
readelf -a output for laptop which (no textrel) for comparison (which-readelfa-laptop,17.45 KB, text/plain)
2004-11-04 00:04 UTC, Kevin F. Quinn (RETIRED)

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Description Kevin F. Quinn (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-09-23 08:46:02 UTC
The "which" utility has a text relocation, which is trivial to remove.  According to the grsecurity kernel patches, for the future progress of PaX, it is useful to eliminate these where possible.  The "which" utility is used a lot, not just by users but also by various common scripts, so it's a text relocation worth eliminating.

The relocation comes from the use of "xmalloc" in libiberty.a.  There is already a configure option to disable use of libiberty; setting this builds "which" with its own internal version of xmalloc (using malloc).

Adding the following to the 2.16 ebuild script in the appropriate places can work:


src_compile() {
    use notextrel \
        && myconf="${myconf} --disable-iberty"
    econf \
        ${myconf} || die
    emake || die

Obviously I've invented a new use flag here, for the purposes of testing.  Perhaps using the existing flag "hardened" instead might be better; although it does dilute the meaning of "hardened".

It may be that future versions of libiberty.a avoid this anyway (which would be nice).

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.readelf -d /usr/bin/which

Actual Results:  
contains a TEXTREL element

Expected Results:  
had no text relocation elements :)
Comment 1 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-09-23 12:18:40 UTC
>>> sys-apps/which-2.16 merged.

solar@simple ~ $ readelf -d `which which` | grep TEXTREL

I'm not seeing any TEXTREL's in which here. 

qpkg -f /usr/lib/libiberty.a  
sys-devel/binutils *

What version of binutils are you using and with what USE flags? 
I'm using  sys-devel/binutils-  -bootstrap -build -debug +multitarget -nls 0 kB

(perhaps nls = root cause?)
Comment 2 Kevin F. Quinn (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-09-23 23:27:42 UTC
Just checked on my other machine, and "which" doesn't have a TEXTREL there.  I have binutils- on both machines, with identical use flags (+nls -multitarget -uclibc -debug); the TEXTREL appeared on the p3 machine, and is not present on the amd machine.

Hmm; just did an ebuild unpack on binutils- on the p3 machine, and it downloaded the 1.3 version of the patches (implying that it didn't have these before), but still unpacked the 1.2 version of the patches.  Did an ebuild clean and ebuild unpack again, and it's now picked up the 1.3 version of the patches!

OK; I've re-emerged binutils (and which, without my hack) and the TEXTREL has gone.

I guess it's either the patchset change, or a compiler difference.  binutils was compiled with 3.3.3-r6 on the p3, with 3.3.2-r5 on the amd box, according to my emerge.log and genlop.  I'm now using gcc 3.3.4-r1.
Comment 3 Kevin F. Quinn (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-22 09:03:06 UTC
Assuming the problem was due to old and/or incompatible combinations of gcc, glibc etc, it has now no longer an issue.
Comment 4 Kevin F. Quinn (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-04 00:00:54 UTC
Hmm; did an "emerge -e system" recently, and the textrel is back.  Looking at the "readelf -a" output, it shows various symbols as R_386_32 instead of R_386_GLOB_DAT (stderr, environ).  On my other machine, there are no textrels, and the symbols are R_386_GLOB_DAT only.

I'll attach the readelf -a output.
Comment 5 Kevin F. Quinn (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-04 00:01:39 UTC
Created attachment 43272 [details]
readelf -a /usr/bin/which outptu
Comment 6 Kevin F. Quinn (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-04 00:04:10 UTC
Created attachment 43273 [details]
readelf -a output for laptop which (no textrel) for comparison
Comment 7 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-19 18:47:37 UTC
Still a problem?
Comment 8 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-22 14:03:01 UTC
[ebuild   R   ] sys-apps/procps-3.2.3-r1   0 kB

amd64 gcc # ps     
Bounds Checking GCC v gcc-3.4.2-3.2 Copyright (C) 1995 Richard W.M. Jones
Bounds Checking comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details see file
`COPYING' that should have come with the source to this program.
Bounds Checking is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file `COPYING' for details.
For more information, set GCC_BOUNDS_OPTS to `-help'
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
18344 ?        00:00:00 su
18345 ?        00:00:00 bash
20974 ?        00:00:00 bash
23030 ?        00:00:00 ps
Bounds library call frequency statistics:
  Calls to push, pop, param function:        2045, 2045, 115
  Calls to add, delete stack:                2917, 2917
  Calls to add, delete heap:                 26, 5
  Calls to check pointer +/- integer:        15045
  Calls to check array references:           11890
  Calls to check pointer differences:        4883
  Calls to check object references:          14212
  Calls to check component references:       5821
  Calls to check truth, falsity of pointers: 503, 6060
  Calls to check <, >, <=, >= of pointers:   0
  Calls to check ==, != of pointers:         5
  Calls to check p++, ++p, p--, --p:         3530, 0, 101, 0
  Calls to add, find, delete oob pointers:   0, 0, 0
  References to unchecked static, stack:     1929, 114
Comment 9 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-22 14:59:48 UTC
Ignore comment #8 It was for bug #70371
Comment 10 Kevin F. Quinn (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-25 11:52:07 UTC
Did an "emerge -e system" again, and it's gone.  Since it's now appeared twice, I'd like to get to the bottom of it rather than just close it down, but it may take a while as I don't know exactly how to get it to happen again (I've setup portage logging now, so if it does I should have a record of the builds).  In the meantime, I've set it to resolved/needinfo, so it doesn't show up in searches for unresolved bugs.