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Bug 642106 - sys-power/nut: upslog fails to start due to missing options in init script.
Summary: sys-power/nut: upslog fails to start due to missing options in init script.
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Robin Johnson
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Reported: 2017-12-23 13:03 UTC by Gustav Schaffter
Modified: 2023-07-20 08:13 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Gustav Schaffter 2017-12-23 13:03:41 UTC
The init script for sys-power/nut doesn't pick up the UPSLOG_OPTS variable from /etc/conf.d/upslog or doesn't correctly forward the information to the upslog binary.

(Alternatively the variable is not named correctly in the provided /etc/conf.d/upslog configuration file?)

I had to fiddle around with the init script to get upslog started.

=> Original contents of /etc/init.d/upslog :

start() {
        ebegin "Starting upslog"
        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec ${bin}
        eend $?

=> The following works (but may not necessarily adhere to 'best practices'. I'm not an init-script developer.)
My solution was to add the ' -- ${UPSLOG_OPTS}' part of the start-stop-daemon command.

start() {
        ebegin "Starting upslog"
        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec ${bin} -- ${UPSLOG_OPTS}
        eend $?

=> Removing the --quiet was very helpful during the investigations:

start() {
        ebegin "Starting upslog"
        #start-stop-daemon --start --exec ${bin}
        eend $?

Don't know what the final standardized and proper solution will be, but my work-around should put some lights on the problem.
Furthermore, there should probably be some code to verify the existence of the /etc/conf.d/upslog file plus that the variable UPSLOG_OPTS is set to something (like: if [[ ! -z "${UPSLOG_OPTS}" ]])

Still, it *could* just be that the variable UPSLOG_OPTS is given the wrong name in the package-provided /etc/conf.d/upslog configuration file.

The above is equally valid in versions 2.6.5-r1 and (~)2.7.4-r1 but I haven't verified the intermediate versions.
Comment 1 xdarma 2023-07-20 08:13:38 UTC
My solution was:
1) create a /etc/conf.d/upslog file like

# Config file for /etc/init.d/upslog
# UPS to log
# log file
# switch user

2) edit /etc/init.d/upslog file like
start() {
        ebegin "Starting upslog"
        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec ${bin} -- -s ${UPS} -l ${LOG}
        eend $?

3) restart service

That works for me. :-)