Scizzor is an effects plugin for xmms or the beep media player that allows you to adjust the pitch and speed of a song. It comes in a single tarball for both and does not use the gnu autotools. You uncompress the tarmall and type make bmp for bmp, make xmms for xmms, or make both. I have created a seprate ebuild for both. It might be better to combine them into one using use flags to define which to compile. so I have 3 ebuilds, one for xmms, one for bmp, and one for both using use flags.
Created attachment 38629 [details] bmp only ebuild This is the bmp only ebuild
Created attachment 38630 [details] The xmms only ebuild. This is the xmms only ebuild, it has not been tested by me because I don't have xmms. It should work.
Created attachment 38631 [details] The use enabled ebuild This is the ebuild that uses the xmms and bmp use flags to set what to build.
I prefer the separate ebuild approach. The bmp-only/xmms-only ebuilds have two things I would like to comment about: S="${WORKDIR}/scizzor" This is not portable, please use S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}" instead (PN -> Program Name, like PV -> Program Version). You also might want to consider using doexe in the src_install, as this will create the directory for you and set the right permissions on the library. I will test the ebuilds, and commit them to CVS (albeit slightly modified for the S= and src_install parts) if they work for me.
Created attachment 38772 [details] bmp-scizzor-1.3.3.ebuild The ebuild I used. This builds the plugin succesfully, and installs it to Effects plugin directory. The resulting plugin can be enabled, and claims to work, however, even with "On" ticked, speed and pitch have no effect. A click on the "Chop" button does rewind the stream by a second. Testing required, it doesn't seem to do what it claims.
I have spent some extra time with this plugin. I can get it to build, and I can get it to load. However, it claims to change the speed and pitch of my music and it just doesn't do that at all. This plugin does not seem ready for inclusion.