Created attachment 471118 [details] metadata.xml When metadata.xml for a given package contains multiple languages, and a language other than the system's default is first, equery prefers the first-listed language in metadata.xml rather than one based on LANG. This was reported with sys-boot/refind which has FR USE descriptions first, followed by EN, but `equery uses refind` was printing FR descriptions on EN systems. Example: > $ LANG=en_US equery uses refind > [ Legend : U - final flag setting for installation] > [ : I - package is installed with flag ] > [ Colors : set, unset ] > * Found these USE flags for sys-boot/refind-0.10.7: > U I > + + btrfs : Construire le gestionnaire EFI pour le système de fichier btrfs > - - custom-cflags : Build with user-specified CFLAGS (unsupported) > - - doc : Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally > + - ext2 : Construire le gestionnaire EFI pour le système de fichier ext2 > + - ext4 : Construire le gestionnaire EFI pour le système de fichier ext4 Sample metadata.xml attached - I will be updating it in-tree as a workaround.