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Bug 610118 - app-backup/bacula ebuild: bacula-sd only still requires database
Summary: app-backup/bacula ebuild: bacula-sd only still requires database
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Low normal
Assignee: Thomas Beierlein
Keywords: EBUILD
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Reported: 2017-02-20 21:50 UTC by Christian Samsel
Modified: 2017-02-28 09:44 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Christian Samsel 2017-02-20 21:50:46 UTC
I have a machine where i only want to run the bacula storage daemon (bacula-sd), bacula director is running elsewhere. The storage daemon does not need a database connection, but the ebuild does not allow to be built without:

!!! Problem resolving dependencies for app-backup/bacula from @selected                                                                                  ... done!

!!! The ebuild selected to satisfy "app-backup/bacula" has unmet requirements.
- app-backup/bacula-7.4.4-r2::gentoo USE="acl bacula-nodir ipv6 readline ssl vim-syntax -X -bacula-clientonly -bacula-nosd -examples -libressl -logwatch -mysql -postgres -qt4 -sqlite -static -tcpd"

  The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
    any-of ( exactly-one-of ( mysql postgres sqlite ) bacula-clientonly )

bacula-clientonly is not enough, that only compiles bacula-fd.

i can activate sqllite to least not draw mysql or postgres in, but that's still a bit inconvenient.

Also having the useflags bacula-clientonly bacula-nosd bacula-nodir is very inconsistant. I'd rather see useflags bacula-withfd bacula-withsd bacula-withdir - bacula-withdir requiring a database.
Comment 1 Thomas Beierlein gentoo-dev 2017-02-24 18:17:48 UTC
(In reply to Christian Samsel from comment #0)
> Hi,
> I have a machine where i only want to run the bacula storage daemon
> (bacula-sd), bacula director is running elsewhere. The storage daemon does
> not need a database connection, but the ebuild does not allow to be built
> without:

Right. And that is by intention. Please read lines 177ff. in the ebuild and look up the mentioned bug #311099 starting at comment #2.

> i can activate sqllite to least not draw mysql or postgres in, but that's
> still a bit inconvenient.
That is quite true but not under our control. Sorry.

> Also having the useflags bacula-clientonly bacula-nosd bacula-nodir is very
> inconsistant. I'd rather see useflags bacula-withfd bacula-withsd
> bacula-withdir - bacula-withdir requiring a database.

The use flags mirror the configure options from baculas autoconf script. And true the logic is a little bit weird. 

Changing the USE flags to the suggested above syntax brings two problems:

- All user already using bacula for some time have to switch over and
- Adding another layer of converting our use flag meaning to the according autoconf options brings additional complexity (and bug sources) to the already complex ebuild logic.

P.S. Be patient wrt to further discussion. I am away for a week or so and can only answer afterwards.
Comment 2 Christian Samsel 2017-02-28 09:44:05 UTC
Thanks for your answer. I had a deeper look at the ebuild and it seems there is not a lot to do then with the upstream restrictions regarding the build process. 

Personally i'd still like to change the useflags. I'd rather have complexity in the ebuild then on the user side. I agree, it has some negative impact for people who changed them (including me) but as long as the previous default behavior is kept (build everything) it should be resonable. The 2nd best option would 
 probably be to extend the EINFO with information regarding this issue. I would not necessary expect people to go through the ebuild source file after beeing puzzled by this (i didn't do that either)