nzbget 14.1 spits tons of this message in its error log: Could not resolve hostname xxx.yyy.zz ErrNo 13, Permission denied in its web interface. Name resolution for this and all other hosts works flawlessly in the terminal and all other applications. How to reproduce ============= Configure nzbget in /etc/nzbget.conf Start the nzbget daemon: nzbget --configfile /etc/nzbget.conf --daemon Open the web interface in your browser and click on 'Messages' in the toolbar on top. Reason ====== It is not a resolver issue. It is just bad programming in nzbget... The problem is that the software does not understand quotes (be it single or double) as string delimiters, but accepts them as part of the string itself. Thus, if you have Server1.Host='xxx.yyy.zzz' in your configuration file, the program understands that your server is 'single quote, x, x, x, dot, y,y ,y dot, z, z, z, single quote'. The same is true for (all?)other strings. Workaround ========= Avoid single and double quotes around strings in the configuration file. Of course, this will be a problem with blanks (e.g. in passwords...), but that's the only way around it... :roll:
If you want this behaviour changed, please file a request upstream: