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Bug 603502 - net-p2p/deluge - Add deluged/deluge-web daemon info messages to prevent confusion
Summary: net-p2p/deluge - Add deluged/deluge-web daemon info messages to prevent confu...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal (vote)
Assignee: Paolo Pedroni
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Reported: 2016-12-22 20:57 UTC by Jonathan Vasquez (RETIRED)
Modified: 2021-01-08 14:29 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Jonathan Vasquez (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2016-12-22 20:57:13 UTC
Please add some warning/info messages for the user after the deluge package is installed in order to let the user know that they do not need to start both the 'deluged' daemon and also the 'deluge-web' daemon. After many hours of debugging, I figured out that the reason my 'core.conf' in my .config/deluge folder was getting wiped with incorrect values during the deluge shutdown process was because I had started both of these services.

The thing is that the 'deluged' service file is just for starting up the process itself, while the 'deluged-web' doesn't only start up the web ui daemon, but once in the web-ui, the user can "Start Daemon" as well. If the user clicks that button, the web-ui daemon will start another 'deluged' process. Mix that with the fact the the deluge application dumps its files during it's shutdown process, and you got unexpected values being dumped to the core.conf file (The values of the first 'deluged' only service file, rather than the values that the user selected in the web-ui for the deluged process).

Having a message such as:

"This package allows you to start a 'deluged' only daemon or you can start up the 'deluge-web' daemon which once in the web ui, will start up the 'deluged' daemon."

would help.
Comment 1 Jonathan Vasquez (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2016-12-22 21:24:48 UTC
I also want to note that it is fine if the user runs both the deluged and deluge-web daemons only if they don't use the 'deluge-web' daemon to start another 'deluged' process. So if the user wants to have one deluged daemon that starts regardless if the deluge-web daemon starts or not, then they should add another user to their 'auth' file so that they could re-use that account when using either a remote thin-client or the web-ui in order to re-attach their session to the same underlying 'deluged' process.
Comment 2 Paolo Pedroni 2016-12-23 13:49:54 UTC
(In reply to Jonathan Vasquez from comment #1)
> I also want to note that it is fine if the user runs both the deluged and
> deluge-web daemons only if they don't use the 'deluge-web' daemon to start
> another 'deluged' process. So if the user wants to have one deluged daemon
> that starts regardless if the deluge-web daemon starts or not, then they
> should add another user to their 'auth' file so that they could re-use that
> account when using either a remote thin-client or the web-ui in order to
> re-attach their session to the same underlying 'deluged' process.

The 'correct' (or call it 'easier', or 'more natural') way to run the daemon and the web-ui is to start both the deluged and deluge-web services, and then connecting the web-ui to the already running daemon, pressing the "Connection Manager" button, adding (if necessary, I don't actually remember if the localhost daemon is in the list by default) the daemon running on localhost to the "Connection Manager", then selecting it and pressing "Connect".

I seem to remember this being all in the FAQ on the project web page.
Comment 3 Jonathan Vasquez (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2016-12-23 15:34:23 UTC
Hey Paolo,

That's pretty much what I did. The info is more or less on the FAQ but not directly. Meaning that it is pretty confusing for users because the thing is that the FAQ does mention that a 'localclient' account is created for accounts running locally, however, when it mentions on adding another user, it isn't clear on if this is or isn't needed depending on what situation. Basically the information could be expressed clearer.

Atm, since I want to connect from both my desktop machine and also the server machine (The server machine is running 'deluged'), I have both 'deluged' and 'deluge-web' started, I actually made a copy of the systemd service files and modified them a bit (Adding User=%i) and throwing them in my /etc/systemd/system directory. This allows me to run the daemons as my user rather than having to create a 'deluge' user, and allows systemd to run the daemons as that user. Also it protects me from any changes that happen during deluge updates.

Anyways, I also had to add a second user account that I want to use for both my desktop machine (remote connection) and even if I want to use the web-ui, I have to use the second user account. I can't use the 'localclient' account that automatically gets created on the server machine. So it seems that the localclient account is only if you want to connect on the server machine only if the server web-ui created the daemon. I can't start up the 'deluged' service, and use the localclient to attach to it. You can test this as well by starting deluged, and noticing that if you have two entries in your connection manager:

1. localclient -
2. <second user name> - LAN IP:58846

you will notice that the second one will be online (because the LAN IP is where the deluged daemon is running) and the first one will be disconnected and requires you to "Start Daemon" before it becomes online. Starting a daemon at this point will start up a second 'deluged' process, which isn't good. Especially since your core.conf file seems to be overwritten during 'deluged's shutdown process. So I suppose you could have two core.conf writes at each deluged shutdown which could cause different settings to be written depending what that deluged daemon had at the time.

Lots of info above but hopefully it helps a bit.
Comment 4 Jonas Stein gentoo-dev 2017-07-25 15:42:24 UTC
What is the status on this?
Comment 5 Paolo Pedroni 2017-07-28 14:36:41 UTC
I'm on holiday right now. I'll see to this when I'm back.

Thanks for the interest.
Comment 6 Paolo Pedroni 2021-01-08 14:29:53 UTC
I think upstream documentation is clear enough.