dev-qt/qtscript:5 (dev-qt/qtscript-5.6.1:5/5.6::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) conflicts with ~dev-qt/qtscript-5.6.0 required by (dev-qt/qtquick1-5.6.0:5/5.6::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) Looks like qtquick1 needs an upgrade or dependencies adjusted
It will be removed soon, see bug #585386. Unless you're using kadu or qt-creator (both of which should be fixed to no longer require it shortly) just remove it.
qtquick1 is deprecated and upstream completely stopped releasing it after the last official release (5.5.1). I packaged a tarball of 5.6.0 as a stopgap measure since we still had several reverse deps at the time. Now that we're down to two reverse deps in the stable tree and zero in ~arch, we're not going to provide "new" unofficial versions anymore.