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Bug 56230 - Add note about grsec-kernels, chroots and Gentoo Instalation
Summary: Add note about grsec-kernels, chroots and Gentoo Instalation
Alias: None
Product: [OLD] Docs-user
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Handbook (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High normal (vote)
Assignee: Docs Team
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Reported: 2004-07-06 05:31 UTC by Christian Korff
Modified: 2004-07-31 05:17 UTC (History)
0 users

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Christian Korff 2004-07-06 05:31:00 UTC
Since I
Comment 1 Christian Korff 2004-07-06 05:31:00 UTC
Since I´ve got some system trouble I decided to do a stage1 installation.
Everything went okay until emerge system:
# USE="-X -java" emerge system
Calculating system dependencies ...done!
>>> emerge (1 of 84) sys-devel/patch-2.5.9 to /
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 2599, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 1551, in merge
  File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/", line 2159, in doebuild
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/tmp/portage/patch-2.5.9/temp'

The trouble was a chmod command:
# chmod 06770 /var/tmp/portage
chmod: changing permissions of `/var/tmp/portage': Permission denied

So the issue is the grsec Patch.
You should maybe add a note about this issue. If someone running a grsec Linux with chroot restrictions he/she may get a issue on emerge system.
To solve this issue is simple:
chmod 06770 /mnt/gentoo/var/tmp/portage
(where /mnt/gentoo is the pfad to the installation, and of course this needs to be done outside the chroot)

I think you should add a note about this issue.
Comment 2 Christian Korff 2004-07-06 05:35:38 UTC
Comment 3 Christian Korff 2004-07-06 05:35:38 UTC
I´m sorry. I´m just clicked Commit too early. My solution of this problem doesn´t work. But I think it still needs a note, so that nobody tries this again.
It seems that it couldn´t be solved and it´s just not working.
Comment 4 Sven Vermeulen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-31 05:17:06 UTC
Running a grsec system with chroot restrictions isn't something Gentoo documents. If you have chroot restrictions I think we can safely assume that the user knows what the restrictions are and that, because Gentoo requires "chroot /mnt/gentoo", this restrictions can cause security measures to take action.

Since this issue doesn't come up with "regular" installations I don't want to add anything related to this to the installation instructions. If it happens with many users though it might reach the Gentoo FAQ.