+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #550482 +++ when building pkg-config on an x86 system, you get: * QA Notice: The following files were not built with LFS support: * Please see http://crbug.com/464024 for details. * fopen@@GLIBC_2.1,readdir@@GLIBC_2.0 usr/bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu-pkg-config * fopen@@GLIBC_2.1,readdir@@GLIBC_2.0 usr/bin/pkg-config the configure.ac file should have AC_SYS_LARGEFILE added to it so things get enabled automatically. alternatively, a patch like this can be used: https://bugs.gentoo.org/attachment.cgi?id=404022
Looks like this was already fixed upstream: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90078
+*pkgconfig-0.28-r3 (27 May 2015) + + 27 May 2015; Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetromino@gentoo.org> + +pkgconfig-0.28-r3.ebuild, pkgconfig-9999.ebuild, + +files/pkgconfig-0.28-lfs.patch: + Fix LFS support on 32-bit (bug #550508, thanks to Zac Medico and vapier). + Update to git-r3.eclass.