drush-7.0 is available in git Reproducible: Always Actual Results: Can you please add drush version 7 to the tree? https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/blob/master/drush.info -- Regards, Mick
I'd love to, but the Drush maintainers now require composer to install drush-7.x, and composer is incompatible with Gentoo's portage (or any other package manager). The short version is that the PHP sources that Drush ships are broken, and stay broken unless you install its dependencies using composer. All of the necessary "include" and "require" statements are missing; instead they rely on autoloading of classes per [1]. That would be fine if Drush came with an autoloader, but it doesn't. Instead composer generates one for you when you install Drush with composer. Of course, we're installing Drush with portage (i.e. not with composer), so the autoloader doesn't exist and we have no way to generate it: ~/src/drush-7.0.0-alpha8 $ ./drush Unable to load autoload.php. Drush now requires Composer in order to install its dependencies and autoload classes. Please see README.md If you think this is as stupid as I do, please complain upstream [2]. Unless they come to their senses, drush-6.x is the last major version we'll be able to support. (Sorry for the grumpy response, this is a pet peeve of mine.) [1] http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.autoload.php [2] https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/issues
(In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #1) > I'd love to, but the Drush maintainers now require composer to install > drush-7.x, and composer is incompatible with Gentoo's portage (or any other > package manager). Thanks for looking into this Michael, I didn't realise drush devs were following such an approach. I will ask them to reconsider, just in case they do. -- Regards, Mick
*** Bug 564260 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***