+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #508270 +++ http://blog.fuseyism.com/index.php/2014/07/23/security-icedtea-2-4-8-for-openjdk-7-released/ http://blog.fuseyism.com/index.php/2014/07/15/security-icedtea-1-13-4-for-openjdk-6-released/
OK let's bump it :/ http://blog.fuseyism.com/index.php/2014/10/15/security-icedtea-1-13-5-for-openjdk-6-released/ http://blog.fuseyism.com/index.php/2014/10/15/security-icedtea-2-5-3-for-openjdk-7-released/
Finally bumped! Please stabilize: dev-java/icedtea-bin-
amd64 stable
x86 stable. Maintainer(s), please cleanup.
Arches, Thank you for your work. GLSA Vote: No Maintainer(s), please drop the vulnerable version(s).
Which includes these now, as they've been superseded by 2.5.5 and 1.13.7, neither of which are in the portage tree yet, but are in java overlay.
See https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=546702
I'm just going to close this since no one cares. These versions have long gone.
Please do not close, we have to follow the security guidelines.
(In reply to Yury German from comment #9) > Please do not close, we have to follow the security guidelines. Just to clear a possible misunderstanding: This was not James's fault in this case, I think I may have allowed him on IRC to close old bugs some time ago. Anyway, voting NO too and closing. Thanks everyone.