Target keywords: alpha, arm This is needed for the stabilization of the reverse dependency media-video/vlc, see bug #499806; if however you don't want to stabilize at this time, let us know and we will (or you can if you want to) put the relevant USE flag on the media-video/vlc in the package.use.stable.mask of those architectures. @Maintainer: Can you please CC the relevant arches if you agree, or let me know why you don't agree; if your package has more architectures you want to stabilize for, feel free to restate the target keywords and CC those as well. Thank you very much in advance.
alpha - no way, not even keyworded arm - maybe some day but only if we stabilize whole kde (this has been discussed for a while already) for now I suggest masking kde useflag, once the profiles have been switched to EAPI=5 you can make that a stable.mask instead.
*KDE lead hat on* dilfridge is right. Absolute no on alpha, there's no point in having a KDE USE flag when nobody has even requested KDE to be keyworded on it, and I highly doubt we have anyone who actually would make use of that. As for arm, if we do stable all of KDE on arm that would be useful, but for now, no. Please keep in mind that there's a lot of stuff that needs to be stabilized for a functional KDE environment, and without all of those stabled, there's not much point in enabling KDE support in something. Go ahead and add it to package.use.stable.mask.
3rd no from me, please use stable mask.
Okay. These packages were added to package.use.stable.mask such that security bug #486902, security bug #499806 and security bug #504088 can proceed to stabilize.