Libreoffice- has some issues rendering it quite unusable. 4.0.x did not suffer from those issues. As building new binary packages seems to be easier now with a dedicated machine (if I understood correct) I request a new libreoffice-bin- rebuilt as soon as poppler-0.24.3 got marked stable. Running poppler-0.22.2 would be another solution, but that has some security issues I wado not want to keep open. (And it is unsure how long the old versions of poppler and libreoffice-bin will stay in portage)
It's definitely not going to take that long this time. Expect new packages during the weekend... I'll try if we can get 4.0 as well later on, but primarily it will be 4.1.3.
LO-4.0 and LO-4.1 depend on different versions of liborcus, which means that whoever installs LO-4.0 will go through another masking mess... sorry but I won't do that for the binary versions unless we figure out a way to install liborcus-0.3 and liborcus-0.5 simultaneously (slotted)... and that seems hard to me since they install a lot of binaries in addition to libraries.