Hi, We have set up a new Gentoo mirror in Wuhan, China. Hostname: mirrors.hustunique.com IP: (AS4538) Bandwidth: 100Mbps connected to China Education and Research Network (CERNET) URLs: http://mirrors.hustunique.com/gentoo/ http://mirrors.hustunique.com/gentoo-portage/ rsync://mirrors.hustunique.com/gentoo/ rsync://mirrors.hustunique.com/gentoo-portage/ Please add us to your official mirror list. Thanks! Reproducible: Always
Forgot to mention that our sponsor is Qiming College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and our admin contact email is it+mirrors@hustunique.com.
rsync: failed to connect to mirrors.hustunique.com ( Connection refused (111)
(In reply to Alex Xu (Hello71) from comment #2) > rsync: failed to connect to mirrors.hustunique.com ( > Connection refused (111) We are currently having some issues with our ISP and server. Will fix in several days.
302 to mirrors.ustc.edu.cn; move there?
Sadly all of the URLs in this report are no longer available. Please feel free to reopen this bug when your service is available again. Thanks!