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Bug 463824 - app-misc/actkbd: device-specific init.d scripts
Summary: app-misc/actkbd: device-specific init.d scripts
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal enhancement
Assignee: Sven Wegener
Keywords: PATCH
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-03-30 10:20 UTC by Petr Polezhaev
Modified: 2013-03-31 23:33 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

diff between current and proposed init.d scripts (actkbd.init.d.diff,2.36 KB, patch)
2013-03-30 10:20 UTC, Petr Polezhaev
Details | Diff
Raw /etc/init.d/actkbd (actkbd,1.44 KB, text/plain)
2013-03-30 10:21 UTC, Petr Polezhaev
Example global /etc/conf.d/actkbd (actkbd,637 bytes, text/plain)
2013-03-30 10:21 UTC, Petr Polezhaev
Example device-specific /etc/conf.d/actkbd.xfi (actkbd.xfi,95 bytes, text/plain)
2013-03-30 10:22 UTC, Petr Polezhaev

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Petr Polezhaev 2013-03-30 10:20:28 UTC
Created attachment 343728 [details, diff]
diff between current and proposed init.d scripts

actkbd could be bound only at one device at a time, so if you have multiple input devices (common case for notebooks, usb soundcards or webcams) you want to handle you'll need multiple init.d services.

Attached init.d script allows to start multiple devices as well as simplified usage if only one device exists. It is adopted to look like current init.d script.
Comment 1 Petr Polezhaev 2013-03-30 10:21:19 UTC
Created attachment 343730 [details]
Raw /etc/init.d/actkbd

It also adds "reload" command to existing script
Comment 2 Petr Polezhaev 2013-03-30 10:21:52 UTC
Created attachment 343732 [details]
Example global /etc/conf.d/actkbd
Comment 3 Petr Polezhaev 2013-03-30 10:22:16 UTC
Created attachment 343734 [details]
Example device-specific /etc/conf.d/actkbd.xfi