Default values in /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/harddrive for battery causes damage HDD - DRIVE_SPINDOWN_VALUE_BAT="${DRIVE_SPINDOWN_VALUE_BAT:-6}" include parkings of heads every 30s of inactivity hdd and DRIVE_POWER_MGMT_BAT="${DRIVE_POWER_MGMT_BAT:-1}" - max power savings, and max count parkings of heads.
Do not CC arch teams yourself, please
I see this in Debian patchset 1.4.1-14: # Remove hooks which are not stable enough yet rm -f debian/pm-utils//usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/harddrive And I've done same for Gentoo in pm-utils-1.4.1-r6 now. I'm closing this bug as fixed, since, obviously, the problem isn't there when the file isn't there :-)