sys-fs/udisks:0 is dead code and should be punted from tree after everything has been ported to sys-fs/udisks:2 no talking in this bug, if you have an issue related to this, file a new bug and make it block this one thank you
Upstream is dead for more than 4 years and I see no sign to port it to newer udisks... maybe it's time to kill it finally
bleh, wrong tab
I still see mate-extra/mate-sensors-applet [hddtemp, dbus] and the latest app-text/calibre [udisks] depends on sys-fs/udisks:0 on my systems.
Talking only in blockers. (In reply to Attila Tóth from comment #3) > app-text/calibre [udisks] depends on sys-fs/udisks:0 on my systems. No, it is preferring udisks:2 over :0, the latter should simply be dropped.