In case of Bug 421839 it really should be invented that new Release Media should have some testing before they get linked to the "Current" directory. For example if a new Release Media comes out with the name install-amd64-minimal-20121013.iso This media doesn't get into releases/amd64/current-iso/ rather than to a new place called releases/amd64/current-test-iso/ and if they pass the test they get moved into current-iso/ The test should include at least: - The LiveCD have to boot without error messages on a Virtual Machine - The LiveCD have to boot without error messages on a current Intel System - The LiveCD have to boot without error messages on a current AMD System
Getting CDs tested is something I'm interested in and already mentioned before a few times, including my presentation on Prague about Testing. However, until we set up the infrastructure to do it automatically, we can't make progress on this.