Please provide a parameter for emerge so that 'emerge -pv' can display package description along with other information about the package. Currently, one needs to either: - emerge --searchdesc 'packageName' //very slow - eix //generates a cache, separate package to emerge - qsearch //generates a cache It would be more intuitive if emerge just had a special switch for displaying the package's description field.
I think emerge --search does what you want, and it's faster than --searchdesc because --search only search the category/package names while --searchdesc searches the DESRIPTION metadata for every single package (very slow).
Hi Zac, there are two scenarios where I needed this option: - lets suppose I already know the name of the package. I'd like to display the description field of the package to know more about it - lets suppose I've found a package with 'emerge --search' (I got lucky / knew the [partial] name of the package). Again, displaying the description field for found package[s] is useful to decide, what package do I really want to use. Note that at this point I already know the category / package name.