Hi, would it be possible to add a --color switch to programs like 'equery' inside the gentoolkit package, so, if the output of the program is redirected to a pipe, that program would properly encode coloring into the pipe? I.e. equery list mc | less -r This will currently display the output of the equery command without coloring the output. Note that 'emerge' already has a '--color y' switch. Related thread: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-26349.html
Set the -N, switch to turn off pipe detection. But that usually also changes the output, since output is usually quieted some for pipes as compared to normal output. But using -N will turn colors back on. equery -N list mc | less -r
Hi Brian, this is the effect of the '--no-pipe' switch: http://imgur.com/qwq0M I'm using equery-
Since you don't have it installed (equery default, search only installed pkgs) you need to add the -p switch for list so it searches the entire portage tree. equery -N list -p mc | less -r
I know I don't have it installed, I just wanted to show you that colors are not working :) .
Yes, we saw it wasn't. We both wrongly thought the -N switch restored colors. Anyway, Paul Varner fixed it today. So if you use the the -N switch but don't want colors, you will need to also add the -C switch to turn them off. fixed in commit: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoolkit.git;a=commit;h=e2e77301eb234aecfa5160d0de7bfda7bbe38a64 You can get the change now by emerging gentoolkit-9999. There are a few more small changes/bugfixes since - Do not worry it will be too unstable, we have not yet started work on changes for -0.3.1.
Actually there is one unstable change in gentoolkit-9999. revdep-rebuild is a new python version which can miss things. To be safe, you can run revdep-rebuild.sh which is the stable bash version of revdep-rebuild. Other than that, gentoolkit-9999 is very close to the current stable version of gentoolkit.
Released in gentoolkit-