Problem: Currently, there is no way to select individual components of the LibreOffice suite and deselect others. This is an issue because the whole suite is fairly space and compile-time intensive, and it is likely that many users will only need some of the many components. For instance, things like 'calc' and 'writer' will probably have a significantly larger user base than the 'base' component. Suggested solution: Adding USE flags for specific components would solve the problem in the usual Gentoo way. in detail, the new flags would be: - base - calc - draw - impress - math - writer See also the corresponding Debian source package: <>. Reproducible: Always
Can't do. Binary distributions split it on runtime based on file lists. That is something we in Gentoo are not able to do. FWIW the switches to switch individual components are not even planed so unless you yourself plan to work on this upstream there is no way this bug will be fixed.
All right, and thanks a lot for the quick response. I thought there should be a reasonably easy way to reflect the components in a Makefile or the like, but then such things are always way more difficult than one would think.
The problem is that the components are too depending on each other. So disabling one usually have suprising results in the other apps. And the work required for this is: * add the switch * check if disabling building of one component does not change the resulting binary of other ones * split the installed files (binaries/images/etc...) * ... * profit And the second step is hellish to do :-)