Created attachment 316159 [details] ebuild patch With USE="doc" images and css are installed in /usr/share/doc/postgis-2.0.0/topology/ and not with the actual html manual file. Attached patch (developed against postgis-2.0.1) attempts to build the html manual file plus the html cheetsheets and installs them in an html subdirectory which portage automatically links from /usr/share/doc/html/dev-db/postgis. It also includes a patch to the xsl files generating the cheetsheets to make them link to the locally installed manual file. Finally it removes the installation of the postgis_comments.sql which with the patched 2.0.1 ebuild appears to be done by emake install, along with raster_comments.sql and topology_comments.sql.
Created attachment 316161 [details, diff] Patch to xsl files
Created attachment 316237 [details, diff] ebuild patch No need to make comments, make install appears to include make comments-install
*postgis-2.0.2 (30 Jan 2013) *postgis-1.5.8 (30 Jan 2013) *postgis-1.4.2-r2 (30 Jan 2013) *postgis-1.3.6-r2 (30 Jan 2013) 30 Jan 2013; Aaron W. Swenson <> +postgis-1.3.6-r2.ebuild, +postgis-1.4.2-r2.ebuild, +postgis-1.5.8.ebuild, +files/postgis-1.5-ldflags.patch, +postgis-2.0.2.ebuild, +files/postgis-2.0-ldflags.patch: Version bumps. Fixes bugs 339116, 423349, and 454276.