Hello, I've written two patches for libipvs which is used in ipvsadm and keepalived. One is necessary to see running ipvs-backup-threads in ipvsadm, and one is necessary to use ipv6 with keepalived. Both patches are based on keepalived 1.22 but should apply to older version too. Both patches should be applied to ipvsadm too (its having it's own copy of libipvs). I've added a third patch too, which is necessary to start keepalived when the module for ipvs (ip_vs) was not loaded before. Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 301533 [details, diff] needed for ipv6
Created attachment 301535 [details, diff] correctly report ipvs-backup-thread
Created attachment 301537 [details, diff] fix modprobe
I'm not sure if the names of attachments are saved, they are: 0001-libipvs-Fix-initialization-of-netlink-needed-for-IPv.patch 0001-libipvs-Fix-reporting-of-the-state-of-the-backup-dae.patch 0001-Fix-modprobe-arguments.patch The first twoshouldbe applied to ipvsadm too, I will file a separate bug.
I've reported my two patches upstream too (the third was already reported by someone else), but it seems upstream currently doesn't have much time. So I suggest to update keepalived to 1.2.2 and to apply at least those 3 patches.
I can confirm these issues, and that the attached patches resolve the issues described.
Thanks Alexander for your work and patience. Thanks also to Greg for reporting a successful test. It's fixed in tree now. +*keepalived-1.2.2-r4 (11 Jul 2012) + + 11 Jul 2012; Ultrabug <ultrabug@gentoo.org> +keepalived-1.2.2-r4.ebuild, + +files/keepalived-1.2.2-fix-ipv4-addr-compare.patch, + +files/keepalived-1.2.2-libipvs-fix-backup-daemon.patch, + +files/keepalived-1.2.2-libipvs-fix-ipv6.patch: + Fix #403133 by Alexander Holler, thanks to Greg for testing. Fix #425082 + thanks to Ruslan Lutsenko. Add ipv6 USE flag. +