I tried to boot CD on a IBM TP600E Laptop. It load the kernel, then rescue.gz, next it indicated ready, and finally when it tried to uncompress Linux... i got "invalid compressed format (err=2)", "-- System halted" The same CD is running on a Toshiba 440CDT. Regards
Same thing happened to me a Thinkpad 600 Laptop, running the 1.2 CD
Does it still happen with the 1.4_rc1 iso?
Please try the latest experimental livecd (http://www.gentoo.org/dyn/experimental/livecd/) and grab the 2002122100 version. See if it helps any. You may also want to see if there is a BIOS upgrade available for your laptop (just in case this is an IBM issue)
lilian, is this still an issue with the newer CDs?
well, need more info from end-user. closing.
Ignore me <<< We are having Bugzilla database issues.
Moving these so we can remove the "Install CD" component from "Gentoo Linux". I apologize to everyone for this spam, but according to the bugzilla developers, this is the only reasonable way to do this.