See below. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Add debug to USE flags in make.conf 2. emerge kdelibs and ksensors 3. Actual Results: ksensors: kcmdlineargs.cpp:216: static void KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions(const KCmdLineOptions*, const char*, const char*, const char*): Assertion `parsed == false' failed. Abort Expected Results: Run without error. If I now do 'env USE=-debug emerge kdelibs', ksensors works fine.
Can you post a log with more of the output? I am not sure where exactly you get that error message. Which version of kdelibs and ksensors are you emerging?
Sorry, but because of bug 43985, I can't emerge ksensors at all right now, so I have no working version. However, I believe the output I submitted was all the output I got.
I don't know any way to fix this, and ksensors development has stopped a long time ago, so I'm unfortunately going to say it's a cantfix.