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Bug 36712 - Handbook Documentation Stylesheets
Summary: Handbook Documentation Stylesheets
Alias: None
Product: Websites
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Documentation (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High normal
Assignee: Sven Vermeulen (RETIRED)
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Reported: 2003-12-29 03:08 UTC by Phil White
Modified: 2004-01-01 06:44 UTC (History)
0 users

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Phil White 2003-12-29 03:08:04 UTC
Just a small "bug", but I found it very trying at the time...

When installing Gentoo on a 'clean' system
(relatively standard, so 80 char screen width)
has anyone tried reading the online documentation using links?

Lines are too long to fit on the page, so reading the document is almost impossible without resorting to a graphical browser (which, of course, I havn't installed yet...)
Comment 1 Kurt Lieber (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-12-29 05:08:25 UTC
reassigning to Sven.
Comment 2 Sven Vermeulen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-12-29 05:51:44 UTC
You can scroll in (the not graphical version of) links using Ctrl-] and Ctrl-[. I do agree that that isn't very practical; I'll see if I can make the book viewable at 80 characters...

At first sight, the browse-tag (prev chapter, prev part, etc.) are to blame...
Comment 3 Sven Vermeulen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-01 06:44:02 UTC
Okay, I've changed the menubar to be smaller but it doesn't help. Apparently, the 80+ width is hardcoded in the Gentoo design of the website. I can't easily fix that without touching the layout of the whole site so I'll let it be for now.

When the new site design is done I'm sure this issue will be addressed (and if not I'll make it addresseable :)

What I will do (which is actually already done) is to make sure that the next Gentoo release will have an offline copy of the handbook on the LiveCDs that is 80-char wide browseable.