I tested both compiz 0.8.6 and 0.8.4 (installed with compiz-fusion) under various desktop environments, but all I get is: compiz --debug --replace compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/michael/.compiz/plugins/libcore.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /usr/lib64/compiz/libcore.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/michael/.compiz/plugins/libyes.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /usr/lib64/compiz/libyes.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file libyes.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'yes' and then the decorations of the windows are gone. I tried changing the config with ccsm and simple-ccsm but it didn't have any effect. In /usr/lib64/compiz there are a lot of plugins but neither libcore.so nor libyes.so What could be wrong? Reproducible: Always
Use ccsm to enable the Window Decoration plugin. Configure that plugin so that "Command" = "gtk-window-decorator" and "Decoration windows" = "any".
I did that (the window decorator field was empty) but I get still the same behaviour
Try running gtk-window-decorator manually: gtk-window-decorator --replace
I see no error message but it has no effect :( I also tried to set gtk-window-decorator with the "--replace" option in the ccsm field, but this also doesn't work.
Make sure compositing is enabled: $ xdpyinfo | grep Composite Composite $ If you get no output from that command, that means compositing is not enabled.
(In reply to comment #0) > compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'yes' I didn't pay enough attention to that error message. I'm running compiz 0.8.6 and I don't have a plugin called "yes". My guess is that the plugin "yes" was part of a previous version of compiz but is no longer included. And configuration files from the previous version are still on your system. And they tell compiz to load the "yes" plugin at startup. It might be possible to remove the "yes" plugin in ccsm preferences. If not, delete your compiz configuration. $ cd /home/michael $ rm -rf .compiz .config/compiz .gconf/apps/compiz
I deleted all config prefs and started ccsm. The (automatically managed) plugin list had one item "yes" inside it, I disabled that so there were no plugins left, re-enabled automatic management, then added the window decorator plugin (then there were two plugins core and decorator enabled) but now I just get: compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'yes'
(In reply to comment #7) > compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'yes' > I just googled that ("compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'yes'"). There are three pages of results. Each one is a Gentoo user reporting that error message. No definitive solution was offered, unfortunately. And none of the content helped me understand the problem. But after glancing at this: http://wiki.compiz.org/Troubleshooting I think you should try this: $ compiz --replace ccp And if that doesn't work, try this: $ compiz --replace gconf
Come to think of it, "yes" would be a weird name for a compiz plugin. Usually the name of a plugin, in any application, suggests its purpose. What would a plugin called "yes" do for a compositing window manager? I think there's a mistake somewhere.
compiz --debug --replace gconf compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/michael/.compiz/plugins/libcore.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /usr/lib64/compiz/libcore.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/michael/.compiz/plugins/libgconf.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/michael/.compiz/plugins/libccp.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/michael/.compiz/plugins/libdecoration.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/michael/.compiz/plugins/libglib.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/michael/.compiz/plugins/libgnomecompat.so : No such file or directory still undecorated windows. with --cp the result is the same. I did also find many users with this or similar problems but I tried all the solutions I found before reporting the bug. IMHO something's really wrong here :( My guess: 1. The default compiz configuration contains a reference to a plugin called "yes" (as seen in ccsm) which doesn't exist and prints an error. If I delete the plugin from the list of used ones, it doesn't appear in the left list so I also think it's invalid and has never actually existed in compiz. 2. /usr/lib64/compiz/libcore.so aka the "core" plugin is missing. This is the real problem and caused the "undecorated windows" issue.
(In reply to comment #10) > 2. /usr/lib64/compiz/libcore.so aka the "core" plugin is missing. This is the > real problem and caused the "undecorated windows" issue. > I don't think, because I get the same message when I specify --debug: $ compiz --debug --replace compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libcore.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /usr/lib64/compiz/libcore.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libccp.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libdbus.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libplace.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libmousepoll.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libgnomecompat.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libmove.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libresize.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libdecoration.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libpng.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libsvg.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libimgjpeg.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libtext.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libcommands.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libneg.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libwall.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libsnap.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libanimation.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libscale.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libscaleaddon.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libexpo.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libstaticswitcher.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libregex.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libresizeinfo.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libworkarounds.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libezoom.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libvpswitch.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libfade.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libsession.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libobs.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libloginout.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libwobbly.so : No such file or directory compiz (core) - Debug: Could not stat() file /home/chris/.compiz/plugins/libbench.so : No such file or directory
Please could you emerge dev-util/strace and then post the output of: $ strace -e file compiz --replace
(In reply to comment #12) > Please could you emerge dev-util/strace and then post the output of: > > $ strace -e file compiz --replace > Actually, don't bother with that. It probably won't help. I read through your last message too quickly. I thought that the "yes" plugin error was still happening. So compiz is running. That's something. What desktop environment are you using? GNOME, KDE or something else?
Are you table to move windows around by holding the `Alt` key and dragging them?
KDE and KWin work fine, I tested this with XFCE, LXDE and GNOME. And moving with ALT is not possible nor task switching,only "metacity --replace" works really ;) Strange because if this core plugin isn't the issue then there's no error printed but something goes wrong :(
$ eselect opengl show nvidia What does that command show on your system?
it shows xorg-x11 as I'm using the open-source radeon driver with a radeon 4670. 3d works fine
(In reply to comment #17) > it shows xorg-x11 as I'm using the open-source radeon driver with a radeon > 4670. 3d works fine > Oh. That won't work.
How do you mean? Do I need the binary driver to run compiz?
(In reply to comment #19) > How do you mean? Do I need the binary driver to run compiz? > Come to think of it, I think it should work. But probably not very well. Compiz will run much more smoothly with the binary drivers. You're not using hardware OpenGL at the moment. It's all implemented in software by media-libs/mesa. Would you mind giving the binary drivers a try? I'm not sure that it'll solve your problem, but it might.
$ eselect opengl set xorg-x11 That breaks compiz on my system. I think switching to the binary drivers might fix your problem. If it does, then your problem is that Compiz does not work with Mesa (the software OpenGL library). I did a bit of googling and apparently it should be possible to use Compiz with Mesa. So if you're not happy using the binary drivers, you could try filing a new (more specific) bug report.
Please move this discussion to http://forums.gentoo.org/ . Bugzilla is a bug tracker, not a support forum. I don't see a bug here.
I do see a bug here ;) But I wonder what this tracker is for, perhaps I misunderstood. I'm not a novice user, I installed and configured my system and everything is fine but compiz. I don't have any special configuration, just emerged it and this is what happened. Or is the bugtracker only for compile or ebuild bugs?
Once you find what is particularly causing compiz not to work "at all" for you, and if you then find that it's actually something Gentoo Linux is doing wrong, then please file a new bug. As long as "stuff doesn't work" and you know nothing else, keep trying to find out why on our fine forums.