Right now, emerge has awkward long options. It would be best to rewrite them so that they are displayed in a clear, concise manner; abbreviated options are for short options. e.g.: --buildpkg -> --build-package --buildpkgonly -> --build-package-only --emptytree -> --empty-tree --fetchonly -> --fetch-only --getbinpkg -> --get-binary-package --noconfmem -> --forget-configuration --nodeps -> --no-dependencies --noreplace -> --no-replace --nospinner -> --no-spinner --oneshot -> --once-only --onlydeps -> --only-dependencies --searchdesc -> --search-description --skipfirst -> --skip-first --upgradeonly -> --upgrade-only --usepkg -> --use-package --usepkgonly -> --use-package-only I think everyone would agree that this change would make everything much easier to both read and understand to outsiders and insiders to emerge alike.
I was looking more for feedback
I was looking more for feedback I guess Ill post a patch instead. :)
Created attachment 16671 [details, diff] Patch for emerge itself.
Created attachment 16672 [details, diff] Patch for emergehelp.py.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2365 ***