Please stabilize gcc-4.3.2-r3. You will probably want boost-1.35.0-r2 stable before you do so, so go do that too (bug #245192). (A big thanks to fauli, loki_val, and darkside for doing most of the work that got us here.) Last one done buys the beer.
Well then.. -@system compiled cleanly in a stable chroot (as expected) -my -avuDN @world in a mostly stable host compiled cleanly (as expected) -no more high priority items left on bug 245160 for amd64 -boost is done for amd64 (depending bug) So...(deep breath)...amd64 stable.
Everything seems pretty good for ppc as well. There still are a few packages that don't have keyword love yet, but the majority are marked. Marked ppc stable.
None of my machines exploded yet, so...sparc stable
x86 stable
ia64 stable
Stable on alpha. Thanks to armin76 for testing.
ppc64 done
arm stable for -r4
sys-devel/gcc-4.3 won't be going stable for HPPA because of bug #225917. In fact, I have unmasked 4.4 and will now move from ~hppa to -hppa in all the 4.3 ebuilds so users have a clear upgrade path. All done.
s390 and sh: ping :)
s390/sh stable, closing