fixes imap authentification in the ebuild submitted as issue #2414.
Created attachment 812 [details] courier.0.38.0.ebuild -revisited
*** Bug 2414 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Created attachment 838 [details] added some new stuff - see ChangeLog Still need some feed-back about the .maildir-Maildir issue.
I added it to portage, but I also masked it. Please take a look at the net-mail/courier-imap ebuild to see how I hacked the courier-imap start-up files to use a maildir directory specified in the start-up file.
Created attachment 1387 [details] courier-0.38.1.ebuild It fixes the .maildir stuff. Working release.
Created attachment 1556 [details] courier-ebuild-0.38.2 Courier upgrade. All the problems have been fixed.
courier-0.39.1 is currently in portage and appears to work including the maildir fixes. If you have any questions or additions you would like to make, please let me know. If not I will close the bug report as all issues appear to be fixed.