problem: I booted my HP N5210 laptop using the latest live install image (1.4_r4). Once the machine booted and I was at the command line prompt, I continued to work until the promped droped below the screen and I no longer could see what I was typing. If I then type a number of carage returns the previous lines do scroll up, however this is still anoying when dealing with things such as the nano editor -- making it nearly impossible to edit configuration files. duplication: boot from live CD using a laptop, and type a bunch of carage returns. The cursor eventually goes off end of screen and you cannot see what you type/. It is possible that this is a specific problem with laptops or HP specific, but unlikely. workaround: run "clear" to clear the screen so I can see what I am typing ;-) suggestions: 1) decreese the length of the virtual screen. 2) add screen length options to boot options (similar to existing monitor options) 3) if a work around exists document it. EBo --
the documented workaround is booting with "nofb"