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Bug 22814 - setting of calendar dir in xcalendar-4.0 needs improvement
Summary: setting of calendar dir in xcalendar-4.0 needs improvement
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High minor
Assignee: Desktop Misc. Team
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Reported: 2003-06-14 05:47 UTC by Wolfgang Thiess
Modified: 2004-12-05 05:08 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Prepends $HOME to *calendarDir entries that don't start with '/' (xcalendar-4.0-calendarDir.patch,1.21 KB, patch)
2004-04-20 00:54 UTC, Doug Weimer
Details | Diff

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Description Wolfgang Thiess 2003-06-14 05:47:57 UTC
xcalendar uses ~/Calendar as the default directory. 
1.) This should be changed to ~/.xcalendar 
2.) The manpages say "The text is saved in a file in the directory specified by the calendarDir 
resource (default ~/Calendar)." I found the resource file here: 
When I add a line: "*calendarDir:   .xcalendar" I get the error: 
Warning: Cannot open calendar (maybe it's not a directory) 
.xcalendar doesn't exist : Creating...Warning: Cannot open calendar (maybe it's not a 
xcalendar creates a strange ~/.xcalendar/.xcalendar directory structure. 
I get it working when I put an absolute path in the resource file. But this is not sensible in a 
multi user environment. 
The calendarDir resource should accept relative entries. Default directory should be $HOME. 
Maybe the default could be changed - but I don't know what side-effects of such a change.
Comment 1 Doug Weimer 2004-04-20 00:54:23 UTC
Created attachment 29680 [details, diff]
Prepends $HOME to *calendarDir entries that don't start with '/'

I'm only a novice C programmer, but this patch seems to do what you're looking
for. Just put the patch in x11-misc/xcalendar/files and add:

src_unpack() {
    unpack ${A}
    cd ${S}
    epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-calendarDir.patch

to the xcalendar ebuild. With this patch any *calendarDir directive without a
leading '/' will be relative to your home directory.
Comment 2 Ian Leitch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-06-02 09:30:07 UTC
Please send your patch upstream.
Comment 3 Doug Weimer 2004-06-30 11:13:28 UTC
I apologize for putting this off for so long, there doesn't appear to be an upstream maintainer anymore. The last official change to the package was in 1994 and the i18n changes are from '95. The most recent updates I could find were from the debian package in May, 2003. What is the policy for packages that are no longer maintained upstream? This patch is trivial, but the debian package contains a buffer overflow fix and an updated man page, both of which would be nice to have in the gentoo version. Should I file a new bug for these changes, or just post the patches here?
Comment 4 Ian Leitch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-02 09:45:04 UTC
If you could post the patches here, that'd be great. 
Comment 5 Markus Nigbur (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-12-05 05:08:45 UTC
see comment #4.