This bug is very annoying. I open the konqueror file manager and navigate to a directory where I have a number of zip and rar files. I right click the archive and select "Extract", after which karchiver opens its window shortly and the zip gets extracted. Now the trouble is that SOMETIMES this makes Konqueror crash with a SIGSEV. Unfortunately this behaviour seems to be arbitrary. It crashes on both zip and rar files, and there is no pattern in the number of files that I extract before it crashes. Surely though I can say that the crash occurs right after clicking "Extract" and that Karchiver does not seem to get a chance to open. At least it does not draw the window. However, the file DOES get extracted, regardless of crash or not. Here I paste 2 outputs of kcrashhandler and hope that is enough to get this bug fixed. (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...[New Thread 16384 (LWP 29360)] 0x40e1e1c7 in waitpid () from /lib/ #0 0x40e1e1c7 in waitpid () from /lib/ #1 0x4056fe5c in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler(int) () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #2 0x40e1d03c in __pthread_sighandler () from /lib/ #3 <signal handler called> #4 0x40b56af9 in operator==(QString const&, QString const&) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #5 0x40575b89 in KURL::isLocalFile() const () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #6 0x40196f2e in KMimeType::findByURL(KURL const&, unsigned, bool, bool) () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #7 0x401bb76b in KFileItem::determineMimeType() () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #8 0x401bb6ea in KFileItem::mimetype() const () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #9 0x401d5b65 in KIO::PreviewJob::startPreview() () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #10 0x401d5203 in KIO::PreviewJob::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #11 0x408d1bd9 in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #12 0x40bb21a2 in QSignal::signal(QVariant const&) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #13 0x408ebec8 in QSignal::activate() () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #14 0x408f2e43 in QSingleShotTimer::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #15 0x40873e04 in QApplication::internalNotify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #16 0x4087337b in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #17 0x4050ed55 in KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #18 0x4084e9b5 in QEventLoop::activateTimers() () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #19 0x4082b3b8 in QEventLoop::processEvents(unsigned) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #20 0x40887c06 in QEventLoop::enterLoop() () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #21 0x40887aa8 in QEventLoop::exec() () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #22 0x40874031 in QApplication::exec() () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #23 0x4132ea12 in main () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #24 0x0804c751 in strcpy () #25 0x0804d17e in strcpy () #26 0x0804d5cd in strcpy () #27 0x0804dffd in strcpy () #28 0x40f647a7 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/ (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...[New Thread 16384 (LWP 29499)] 0x40e1e1c7 in waitpid () from /lib/ #0 0x40e1e1c7 in waitpid () from /lib/ #1 0x4056fe5c in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler(int) () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #2 0x40e1d03c in __pthread_sighandler () from /lib/ #3 <signal handler called> #4 0x40b56af9 in operator==(QString const&, QString const&) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #5 0x40575b89 in KURL::isLocalFile() const () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #6 0x40196f2e in KMimeType::findByURL(KURL const&, unsigned, bool, bool) () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #7 0x401bb76b in KFileItem::determineMimeType() () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #8 0x401bb6ea in KFileItem::mimetype() const () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #9 0x401d5b65 in KIO::PreviewJob::startPreview() () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #10 0x401d5203 in KIO::PreviewJob::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #11 0x408d1bd9 in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #12 0x40bb21a2 in QSignal::signal(QVariant const&) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #13 0x408ebec8 in QSignal::activate() () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #14 0x408f2e43 in QSingleShotTimer::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #15 0x40873e04 in QApplication::internalNotify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #16 0x4087337b in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #17 0x4050ed55 in KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #18 0x4084e9b5 in QEventLoop::activateTimers() () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #19 0x4082b3b8 in QEventLoop::processEvents(unsigned) () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #20 0x40887c06 in QEventLoop::enterLoop() () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #21 0x40887aa8 in QEventLoop::exec() () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #22 0x40874031 in QApplication::exec() () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #23 0x4132ea12 in main () from /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ #24 0x0804c751 in strcpy () #25 0x0804d17e in strcpy () #26 0x0804d5cd in strcpy () #27 0x0804dffd in strcpy () #28 0x40f647a7 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/
Have you reported this to the KDE bug site?
No I have not. I was about to, but then I remembered that you fellows seem to prefer sending error reports upstream yourself.
Okay, going to ask you submit it with the kde folks. Looks like a crash on their side. Also, Have you tried KDE3.1.2?
Most likely a code problem on the kde end, or some strange behavior of mismatched qt/kde versions. Closing as a cantfix unless we find out otherwise.