the current approach for doins -r is painfully slow and should be replaced with cp -R, find|xargs cp, or something similar ...
propose a patch that actually works then ... your suggestions dont as subdirs will break with find|xargs cp, and both will break by not respecting $INSOPTIONS
Created attachment 143885 [details, diff] patch to remove recursive doins call this reduces `doins -r` time by about 6x on my machine
oops, it doesn't handle symlink recursivly, needs another for f in $(find ..) ..
i'm pretty sure that's broken with whitespace in the paths, but it's a good first crack
(In reply to comment #4) > i'm pretty sure that's broken with whitespace in the paths, [...] It is. `for f in $(find -type f)` breaks it.
Created attachment 143938 [details, diff] faster doins that should work with spaces
while you're in there, you should convert basename/dirname to the bash equivalents errors also need to be passed back up (from `install` and `cp`)
Fixed in r9485 and released in sys-apps/portage-2.2_pre5. This bug should be RESOLVED FIXED and block bug #210077.
This is supposed to be fixed in portage-2.2_pre5 or earlier.
(In reply to comment #8) > This bug should be RESOLVED FIXED and block bug #210077. It really should. "Painfully" doesn't quite catch the feeling you get while the parade of tentacled minutes crawls by on its millions of spidery legs.