A few days ago i made an own ebuild "dev-php5/pecl-pdo-informix" (analog to dev-php5/pecl-pdo-pgsql). But now all pecl-pdo-* packages are masked. If I build dev-lang/php-5.2.4_p20070914-r2 it says: * Disabling pdo-dblib * Disabling pdo-mysql * Enabling pdo-oci * Disabling pdo-odbc * Disabling pdo-pgsql * Disabling pdo-sqlite But nothing about pdo-informix. We absolutely need php with informix support in our company. How should I connect my informix database with php? Reproducible: Always
http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.ifx.php <snip> This extension has been moved to the ยป PECL repository and is no longer bundled with PHP as of PHP 5.2.1. </snip> If you need this, then use the pecl ebuild in your overlay; we are not interested in maintaining something that we cannot test at all, sorry.