This just doesn't look right (looks like a bug, but it might not be :) ). New install, installing vixie-cron which installs cronbase. This section of cronbase-0.3.2 appears to create /var/spool/cron with cron:root 0755: pkg_setup() { enewgroup cron 16 enewuser cron 16 -1 /var/spool/cron cron } But later on the ebuild seems to ask for (which makes more sense to me) root:cron with 0750: src_install() { newsbin "${FILESDIR}"/run-crons-${PV} run-crons || die diropts -m0750; keepdir /etc/cron.hourly diropts -m0750; keepdir /etc/cron.daily diropts -m0750; keepdir /etc/cron.weekly diropts -m0750; keepdir /etc/cron.monthly diropts -m0750 -o root -g cron; keepdir /var/spool/cron diropts -m0750; keepdir /var/spool/cron/lastrun } After the install, I do get: $ ls -adl /var/spool/cron drwxr-xr-x 3 cron root 4096 2007-09-25 09:53:56 /var/spool/cron/ which seems unintended, and possibly not correct.
Because portage sucks... Dupe of Bug 141619. This needs to be solved by chmod in postinst because the stuff is plain inconsistent, see Bug 182998 *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 141619 ***