I received the following message: === Hi, this is the mlmmj program managing the mailinglist gentoo-dev@gentoo.org Some messages to you could not be delivered. If you're seeing this message it means things are back to normal, and it's merely for your information. Here is the list of the bounced messages: 25287 === Unfortunately not message-id is reported, so I expect a message to be attempted to be delivered to my mail server with from like: gentoo-dev+bounces-25287-grobian=gentoo.org@gentoo.org However, I only see 2007-07-18 10:57:08 1IB5LH-0005wA-G3 <= gentoo-dev+bounces-25285-grobian=gentoo. org@gentoo.org H=smtp.gentoo.org [] P=esmtps X=TLSv1:AES256-SHA:2 56 S=3582 id=1184748819.9888.8.camel@tuxhugs 2007-07-18 19:09:29 1IBD1k-0001UF-AU <= gentoo-dev+bounces-25292-grobian=gentoo. org@gentoo.org H=smtp.gentoo.org [] P=esmtps X=TLSv1:AES256-SHA:2 56 S=4129 id=200707181304.45211.vapier@gentoo.org Hence, I suspect that message "25287" has never been attempted to be sent to my address at all. Note that this is different from the normal/regular mail loss that happens regularly on mailing lists, because here I get a notification that the mail could not be delivered. It may be coincidence, but I've lost a message sent to gentoo-alt@lists.gentoo.org that I think was sent around the same time. I would appreciate it if infra could tell me if message 25287 has ever been attempted to be delivered to me, or not. Thanks in advance. Reproducible: Always
people are going to get these messages because ldap was down for some hours. nothing we can do(and things are getting back to normal)