added as a maven dependency.
Too bad it's hard to write libc in Java as long as you run on a VM written in C/C++.
Created attachment 157845 [details] dnsjava 2.0.6 ebuild Based on the dnsjava 1.3.2 ebuild in the java-overlay. I've included the differences below. This version is for Java 6 only (from the website: Open Issues - The DNSJavaNameService service provider only builds with Java 1.6, as the API changed in an incompatible way between 1.5 and 1.6.) Also, I've only tested on x86. # diff dnsjava-2.0.6.ebuild dnsjava-1.3.2.ebuild 13,14c13,14 < SLOT="2.0.6" < KEYWORDS="~x86" --- > SLOT="1.3.2" #used by plexus-server (maven) > KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64" 16,17c16,17 < RDEPEND="=virtual/jre-1.6*" < DEPEND="=virtual/jdk-1.6*" --- > RDEPEND="=virtual/jre-1.4*" > DEPEND="=virtual/jdk-1.4*"
+ 07 Mar 2014; Johann Schmitz <> +dnsjava-2.1.6.ebuild, + +files/2.1.6-no-network-tests.patch, +metadata.xml: + Added ebuild for dev-java/dnsjava (wrt bug #181877). Ebuild originally + written by Chris Ryan, i have only added the src_test call and some general + qa. 2.1.6 is now in the tree. Thank for contributing.