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Bug 167803 - www-apps/roundup : ease non standalone deployment
Summary: www-apps/roundup : ease non standalone deployment
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo Web Application Packages Maintainers
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Reported: 2007-02-20 22:27 UTC by Luca Barbato
Modified: 2008-01-25 08:52 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Luca Barbato gentoo-dev 2007-02-20 22:27:38 UTC
roundup could be run as stand alone server or through mod_python/other cgi, it could use various db backend.

Would be nice if useflags for the different db backends and apache (lighttpd?Zope?) support could be added.

Probably just providing the right .htaccess would be already a nice with a minimal work.
Comment 1 Renat Lumpau (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-03-01 01:05:02 UTC
can you post a sample .htaccess ?
Comment 2 Luca Barbato gentoo-dev 2007-03-01 06:11:13 UTC
sadly seems you can't enable mod_python from .htaccess

But since I'm not that proficient maybe I'm just wrong.
Comment 3 Gunnar Wrobel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-01-25 08:52:22 UTC
I don't see an easy solution to do this. We don't have any webapps that currently modify the apache settings. I know this would be sometimes useful but we shouldn't include to much magic.

Closing for now but please fell free to reopen if you think there is a way to do this properly.