Well, I just spent 15 minutes putting together a detailed bug report. I hit Commit. I got taken to a page telling me that I had forgot to set "Hardware platform". Hit "Back" in mozilla (1.2.1-r5). The page that was displayed had maintained the previous search criteria, but lost all the other fields. Can we say annoying? Yes, I think we can. Can we say "can't be bothered entering the bug report again"? Yes, we can. I'm fairly sure the "old" system didn't have this problem - possibly because it was less picky about what fields were skipped so I never had a failed bug report. At the very least, put *exactly* the same validation check on the Commit button press as is going to be done by the server. Reproducible: Didn't try Steps to Reproduce: Submit a bug report but don't set Platform - leave as "Unspecified". Hit Commit. (Then hit Back and check whether or not all the form data has been reset - in my case, it does.) Actual Results: Bugzilla has suffered an internal error. Please save this page and send it to bugzilla@gentoo.org with details of what you were doing at the time this message appeared. URL: http://bugs.gentoo.org/post_bug.cgi A legal Platform was not set. Variables:
I have tried this numerous times, using both the forward and back buttons, and selecting and deselecting the platform. No problems, and I use phoenix.
Erm, see attached screenshot. This demonstrates that the report is neither RESOLVED nor INVALID. Can you please re-open it? (And, as a suggestion, use WORKSFORME instead of INVALID for resolutions like this - INVALID has a specific meaning of "not a bug", and just because you can't reproduce it doesn't mean it isn't a bug - well, not immediately, anyway :-) ) The exact thing I did was (and what I should have put in the original report): -1. Use mozilla. (Shouldn't be important, but who knows.) 0. Go to bugs.gentoo.org 1. Select "Report a Bug" (not "Enter a bug report (Expert method)"!) This might be where the confusion is - confused me finding a completely different bug reporting screen than I'm used to (I think it was because I followed the Actions "New" link rather than my usual route of reporting bugs). I assumed it was just an "upgrade" - now I realise it's the non-Expert method. 2. Select "Gentoo Linux" 3. Select component "Portage" (I suspect it is unimportant, as long as something is picked). 4. Leave hardware platform of "Other" 5. Select Operating System "Linux" (should be allowed to leave this as "other", too) 6. Enter a summary. 7. Enter a description. 8. Enter "emerge info" in "Additional Information". 9. Hit Commit. Hopefully it should produce the bugzilla internal 10. Hit back. In mozilla this resulted in a mostly reset form.
Created attachment 8154 [details] Screenshot of mozilla with bugzilla internal error