Hello Please find attached a new ebuild for planfacile. PlanFacile is a compiler that generates a document from a mindmap using ideas linked by dependencies. A very useful program. You can find more information (in FR) at http://planfacile.xtrahost.org I suggest app-misc/planfacile This program depends on>=sys-devel/bison-1.875d and >=sys-devel/flex-2.5.31 Best regards, Guillaume
Created attachment 93344 [details] planfacile-2.0.20060802.ebuild (New Package)
Hi, some syntactic remarks on your ebuild: - it's important not to use version numbers directly in the ebuild but rather ${P} or ${PV} variables. In case ${PV} doesn't have the same format that what you want (as seems to be the case here), you can use the versionator eclass. This is in order to make revbumping really easy. - KEYWORDS will always be ~arch if it's commited to the tree, so it's usually better not to use arch at all (especially for people taking the ebuild on bugzilla). - you have very precise version numbers in DEPEND, are you sure it won't work with other versions? - unless your package is very specific (e.g. for toolchain), you don't need to depend on glibc. - why don't you cd ${S} in src_unpack? If it's a mistake, then you can delete src_unpack entirely, as it is the default one. That's all I can see for now, I haven't tested the package yet.
I took care of your remarks and made a new ebuild for the new version. You can find it as an attachment.
Created attachment 99206 [details] New ebuild for the new version
Created attachment 99208 [details] planfacile-2.0.20060917.ebuild forgotten the versionator in ${S}
Created attachment 100867 [details] New Version There is the new version, working, and now the host is up, you can test it.
Created attachment 104343 [details] New ebuild The URL of the website changed, and so the SRC_URI. Just maded it up to date.
Project seems dead, Upstream + SRC_URI.