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Bug 129368 - dblatex-0.2.10 (new ebuild)
Summary: dblatex-0.2.10 (new ebuild)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Zoltan Puskas
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on: 129369
Blocks: 366763 404495 501254 560768 564704
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2006-04-09 10:45 UTC by Jiri Tyr
Modified: 2015-11-09 02:04 UTC (History)
15 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

app-text/dblatex/dblatex- (dblatex-,619 bytes, text/plain)
2006-04-09 10:46 UTC, Jiri Tyr
files/ (,877 bytes, text/plain)
2006-04-09 10:47 UTC, Jiri Tyr
app-text/dblatex/dblatex- (dblatex-,622 bytes, text/plain)
2006-04-30 13:28 UTC, Jiri Tyr
app-text/dblatex/dblatex-0.1.9.ebuild (dblatex-0.1.9.ebuild,622 bytes, text/plain)
2006-04-30 14:23 UTC, Jiri Tyr
files/ (,1.06 KB, text/plain)
2006-04-30 14:23 UTC, Jiri Tyr
app-text/dblatex/dblatex-0.2.ebuild (dblatex-0.2.ebuild,734 bytes, text/plain)
2006-11-20 10:44 UTC, Tobias Minich
app-text/dblatex/dblatex-0.2.5.ebuild (dblatex-0.2.5.ebuild,719 bytes, text/plain)
2007-06-12 19:16 UTC, Dmitry S. Kulyabov
dblatex-0.2.7.ebuild (dblatex-0.2.7.ebuild,726 bytes, text/plain)
2008-07-30 20:08 UTC, Karl H
dblatex-0.2.9.ebuild (dblatex-0.2.9.ebuild,661 bytes, text/plain)
2008-08-03 18:10 UTC, Mike Auty (RETIRED)
dblatex-0.2.9.ebuild (dblatex-0.2.9.ebuild,803 bytes, text/plain)
2008-08-03 18:16 UTC, Mike Auty (RETIRED)
dblatex-0.2.9.ebuild (dblatex-0.2.9.ebuild,813 bytes, text/plain)
2008-08-03 19:42 UTC, Mike Auty (RETIRED)
dblatex-0.2.10.ebuild (dblatex-0.2.10.ebuild,833 bytes, text/plain)
2009-06-12 09:10 UTC, Markus Tacker
dblatex-0.2.10.ebuild (dblatex-0.2.10.ebuild,893 bytes, text/plain)
2009-06-12 11:56 UTC, Markus Tacker
dblatex-0.2.12.ebuild (dblatex-0.2.12.ebuild,893 bytes, text/plain)
2010-03-16 08:50 UTC, Markus Tacker
dblatex-0.3.ebuild (dblatex-0.3.ebuild,1.17 KB, text/plain)
2010-04-05 16:34 UTC, David King
dblatex-0.3.4.ebuild (dblatex-0.3.4.ebuild,1.02 KB, text/plain)
2012-12-10 18:30 UTC, Balint SZENTE
dblatex-0.3.4-path-logging.patch (dblatex-0.3.4-path-logging.patch,531 bytes, patch)
2012-12-10 18:32 UTC, Balint SZENTE
Details | Diff
dblatex-0.3.4-install_layout.patch (dblatex-0.3.4-install_layout.patch,502 bytes, patch)
2012-12-10 18:32 UTC, Balint SZENTE
Details | Diff
dblatex-0.3.7.ebuild (dblatex-0.3.7.ebuild,1.06 KB, text/plain)
2015-11-08 23:41 UTC, Zoltan Puskas
dblatex-no-inkscape-dependency.patch (dblatex-no-inkscape-dependency.patch,595 bytes, patch)
2015-11-08 23:42 UTC, Zoltan Puskas
Details | Diff
dblatex-path-logging.patch (dblatex-path-logging.patch,537 bytes, patch)
2015-11-08 23:43 UTC, Zoltan Puskas
Details | Diff
dblatex-setup.patch (dblatex-setup.patch,773 bytes, patch)
2015-11-08 23:44 UTC, Zoltan Puskas
Details | Diff
metadata.xml (metadata.xml,652 bytes, text/xml)
2015-11-08 23:44 UTC, Zoltan Puskas

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jiri Tyr 2006-04-09 10:45:21 UTC
Dblatex is actually a DB2LaTeX clone, since it takes the major part of its XSL stylesheets. So, why this project? The purpose is a bit different on these points:

* The project is end-user oriented, that is it tries to hide as much as possible the latex compiling stuff by providing a single clean script to produce directly DVI, PostScript and PDF output.

* The actual output rendering is done not only by the XSL stylesheets transformation, but also by a dedicated LaTeX package. The purpose is to allow a deep LaTeX customisation without changing the XSL stylesheets.

* Post-processing is done by Perl, to make publication faster, and to parse things not so easily done by the XSL stylesheets like tables.
Comment 1 Jiri Tyr 2006-04-09 10:46:05 UTC
Created attachment 84306 [details]

Ebuild for dblatex-
Comment 2 Jiri Tyr 2006-04-09 10:47:32 UTC
Created attachment 84307 [details]

Instalation doesn't work. It need some impovement in the ebuild.
Comment 3 Jiri Tyr 2006-04-30 13:28:32 UTC
Created attachment 85854 [details]

Installation works good now.
Comment 4 Jiri Tyr 2006-04-30 14:23:07 UTC
Created attachment 85858 [details]

New version.
Comment 5 Jiri Tyr 2006-04-30 14:23:30 UTC
Created attachment 85859 [details]

New version.
Comment 6 Yannick Loiseau 2006-06-12 05:49:33 UTC
Installing the script as dblatex may conflict with 
dev-tex/tex4ht which install a script with the same name to convert files the other way (latex -> docbook)
Comment 7 Tobias Minich 2006-11-20 10:44:00 UTC
Created attachment 102414 [details]

Current version
- Doesn't need the install script
- The application script is renamed to "docbook2latex" to prevent collisions
- Removed bibtopic dependency. v1.0 is included in tetex, maybe it works with that one (I don't have a docbook document with bibliography to check).
Comment 8 Dmitry S. Kulyabov 2007-06-12 19:16:22 UTC
Created attachment 121843 [details]
Comment 9 Karl H 2008-07-30 20:08:55 UTC
Created attachment 161772 [details]

ebuild also works for 0.2.7
Comment 10 Mike Auty (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-08-03 18:10:35 UTC
Created attachment 162135 [details]

Hiya guys,

Just came across this package.  Please note that you can use the distutils eclass to do all the installation for you.  I've added a warning for people who may be familiar with that package that it's primary executable is installed as docbook2latex.

Also, please note, the virtual/tetex dependency is not enough when using texlive, since this version also requires texlive-latexextra, texlive-mathextra and one other that I haven't tracked down yet (that contains ifxetex, so I'm guessing texlive-xetex)...

I'm not sure how best to deal with this, possibly by using:

|| (>=app-text/tetex-3
    ( app-text/texlive
      app-text/texlive-xetex )

I don't know if that rules out any other possible virtual/tetex combinations.  Anyway, see what you think...
Comment 11 Mike Auty (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-08-03 18:16:38 UTC
Created attachment 162136 [details]

Doh, just realized I left that one with an RDEPEND, rather than a DEPEND.  New one has the suggested depdency split between texlive and tetex...

The issue is, if neither can be satisfied, portage will seemingly go for tetex-3 every time (so even if texlive is installed, it'll try installing tetex-3, rather than fulfill the remaining dependencies)...
Comment 12 Mike Auty (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-08-03 19:42:28 UTC
Created attachment 162150 [details]

Double doh, I got the categories wrong for the texlive additional builds.  Hopefully this is the last one...  5:)
Comment 13 Markus Tacker 2009-06-12 09:10:27 UTC
Created attachment 194351 [details]

0.2.10 ebuild with added dependency for dev-libs/libxslt (which provides xsltproc).
Comment 14 Markus Tacker 2009-06-12 11:56:30 UTC
Created attachment 194400 [details]

0.2.10 ebuild with added dependency for dev-libs/libxslt (which provides
xsltproc), app-text/docbook-xml-dtd AND dev-texlive/texlive-pictures (provides epic.sty).
Comment 15 Grant Edwards 2009-08-05 15:11:06 UTC
(In reply to comment #14)
> Created an attachment (id=194400) [edit]
> dblatex-0.2.10.ebuild
> 0.2.10 ebuild with added dependency for dev-libs/libxslt
> (which provides xsltproc), app-text/docbook-xml-dtd AND
> dev-texlive/texlive-pictures (provides epic.sty).

In an as-yet futile attempt to get asciidoc working, I just
tried this ebuild , and it fails thusly:

   >>> Source compiled.
   >>> Test phase [not enabled]: app-text/dblatex-0.2.10
   >>> Install dblatex-0.2.10 into /home/portage/tmp/portage/app-text/dblatex-0.2.10/image/ category app-t                                              ext
   running install
   +checking XSLT xsltproc... yes
   +checking convert... yes
   +checking epstopdf... yes
   +checking fig2dev... no
   warning: not found: fig2dev
   +checking latex... yes
   +checking textcomp... yes
   +checking titlesec... no
   +checking url... yes
   +checking wasysym... yes
   +checking xecyr... found in package
   Error: not found: changebar, footmisc, multirow, overpic, stmaryrd, subfigure, titlesec
    * ERROR: app-text/dblatex-0.2.10 failed.
    * Call stack:
    *     , line   49:  Called src_install
    *             environment, line 2507:  Called distutils_src_install
    *             environment, line  710:  Called die
    * The specific snippet of code:
    *           ${python} install --root="${D}" --no-compile "$@" || die "python install                                               failed";
    *  The die message:
    *   python install failed

I've googled for the "not found" error message and came up empty.

Any ideas on how to proceed?

Comment 16 Grant Edwards 2009-08-05 15:44:47 UTC
(In reply to comment #15)

>    Error: not found: changebar, footmisc, multirow, overpic, stmaryrd,subfigure, titlesec
>     * 
>     * ERROR: app-text/dblatex-0.2.10 failed.

The ebuild is missing dependancies on texlive-latexextra and texlive-mathextra

Comment 17 José Romildo Malaquias 2010-02-11 19:29:30 UTC
Versions 0.2.11 and 0.2.12 have been already released:

Release 0.2.12:

- Add support for feature #2836168 with the xref.hypermarkup parameter that
  wraps the whole xref markup with an hyperlink.
- The <index> section can be unnumbered when the new parameter index.numbered
  is set to 0.
- <bibliography> sections can be unnumbered when the new parameter
  bibliography.numbered is set to 0. The parameter
  bibliography.tocdepth is also given.
- Basic <biblioref> support added. The specific attributes are not handled.
- Allow the appendices to be followed by other sections.
- Fix indexterm bug in titles.
- Apply patch #2821475: add a converter to transform SVG graphics with
  Inkscape (thanks to David Necas)
- Fix bug #2821901: <reference> headings to the right level
- Fix bug #2818215: square brackets must be protected in <member>s
- Fix bug #2819592: references working with xml:id (DocBook 5 compatibility)
- Fix Debian bug #533332: wrong page numeration in PDF viewers with XeTeX
- Fix Debian bug #528964: linebreaks preserved in formatted verbatim

Release 0.2.11:

- Improve the <set> support: dblatex can build all the PDF files (one per
  book) and the package xr is used to make cross-references between the books.
- Improve the xetex font switch macros (experimental fontconfig support)
- Format the elements contained in <ulink>s (not only text)
- Add some hook to external error handlers +
  Add the Debian error handler in the repository (the maintainer is still
  A. Hoenen)
- Change verbatim implementation in order to be able to easily add new
  elements embeddable in <programlisting>s
- Optimize the pdftex backend by supporting the -draftmode option
- Fix documentation bug #1997998.
- Fix bug #1831383: use \ref*{} to display <xref> in a TOC or LOT
- Fix Debian bug #528849 about the <refclass> rendering, add the
  refclass.suppress parameter, and fix the <refpurpose> dash separator
  (use of &mdash; instead of &ndash;)
- Fix the bug where \nolinkurl{} strips the spaces
- Fix a bug annotation
- Glossary headings are now rendered like refentry headings
  (add glossary.numbered and glossary.tocdepth parameters)
- Add and modify scripts to synch SF CVS and Mercurial repositories 
Comment 18 Markus Tacker 2010-03-16 08:50:40 UTC
Created attachment 223859 [details]

The dblatex-0.2.10.ebuild also works as dblatex-0.2.12.ebuild
Comment 19 David King 2010-04-05 16:34:22 UTC
Created attachment 226645 [details]

Updated ebuild for 0.3, and install documentation to the correct location.
Comment 20 David King 2010-12-12 14:49:17 UTC
Comment on attachment 226645 [details]

I discovered recently that my 0.3 ebuild is broken, as many files are installed to the wrong locations. I have not had time to look at it, sorry!
Comment 21 Miroslav Šulc gentoo-dev 2010-12-12 15:32:40 UTC
well, i wanted to build gimp-help from git repo and it needed dblatex, after installation i just symlinked docbook2latex to dblatex as that is what it seems it was looking for and now the make works, though i am not sure it really uses the program for generating html help which i was making. anyway, thank you for the ebuild.
Comment 22 Balint SZENTE 2012-12-10 18:30:14 UTC
Created attachment 331976 [details]

This ebuild is based on wagnerflo's overlay.
Comment 23 Balint SZENTE 2012-12-10 18:32:07 UTC
Created attachment 331978 [details, diff]
Comment 24 Balint SZENTE 2012-12-10 18:32:54 UTC
Created attachment 331980 [details, diff]

Build fix.
Comment 25 Zoltan Puskas 2015-10-27 01:00:03 UTC
I have found a more up to date ebuild in the "eva" overlay, that makes v0.3.5. (

I have also checked the project web page, apparently there is an even more recent release 0.3.7 posted on	2015-08-07.

I'll work on an ebuild based on these as this is needed to build KiCad documentation.
Comment 26 Zoltan Puskas 2015-11-08 23:41:57 UTC
Created attachment 416320 [details]
Comment 27 Zoltan Puskas 2015-11-08 23:42:56 UTC
Created attachment 416322 [details, diff]
Comment 28 Zoltan Puskas 2015-11-08 23:43:30 UTC
Created attachment 416324 [details, diff]
Comment 29 Zoltan Puskas 2015-11-08 23:44:07 UTC
Created attachment 416326 [details, diff]
Comment 30 Zoltan Puskas 2015-11-08 23:44:51 UTC
Created attachment 416328 [details]
Comment 31 Zoltan Puskas 2015-11-09 00:02:18 UTC
Proposed commit message:

app-text/dblatex: New ebuild for dblatex-0.3.7

DocBook to LaTeX Publishing package built using Python

Gentoo-Bug: #129368
Comment 32 Zoltan Puskas 2015-11-09 00:38:43 UTC
Now available in portage main tree.

Comment 33 Ian Delaney (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2015-11-09 02:04:20 UTC
commit 337e2f7b91b016c1f1181e2125c0e74da7497ba4
Author: Amy Winston <>
Date:   Mon Nov 9 01:26:52 2015 +0100

    app-text/dblatex: New ebuild for dblatex-0.3.7. By Zoltan Puskas.
    DocBook to LaTeX Publishing package built using Python
    Gentoo-Bug: #129368