hi! i have attached the ttcut-0.11.0_alpha.ebuild. ttcut is a tool for cutting mpeg-files under linux, especially to remove adds from tv-recordings. ttcut is able to cut frame accurate, so you are not confined to cut on i-frames only. in order to use ttcut you need demuxed mpeg-material, though it treats video and audio separate. the source-code of ttcut additionally contains a tool for analyzing mpeg files, it is called ttmpeg2. it is similar to the windows-tools mpegschnitt and cuttermaran which in my opinion are setting the standard in cutting mpeg-material on windows. the gui is also cuttermaran-like. i searched a long time for a program under linux which has this abilities, so i think it is a good idea to add it to the official portage-tree. not to forget, it is in alpha-stage so don't expect to much, but i already tested the ebuild and the program. i cut several recordings with ttcut and brought them to dvd. i think in future it will become a real alternative for cutting videos under linux. daniel
Created attachment 79258 [details] ttcut-0.11.0_alpha.ebuild ebuild for media-video/ttcut this is my first ebuild so improvents are very welcome.
Created attachment 79554 [details] ttcut-0.11.1_alpha.ebuild updated to new version 0.11.1, slightly changed description
- MY_P=$PN-${ttcut-0.11.1-alpha} is rather ugly, do MY_P=${P/_/-} instead - no need for _DEPEND - assuming this is a Qt3 application you have to call $QTDIR}/bin/qmake to not interfere with Qt 4, also you should inherit the qt3 eclass - cd $WORKDIR/ttcut/ is wrong, do S="${WORKDIR}/ttcut" instead
Thank you Carsten, i will change this according to your advices. ttcut is no qt3 application, you need qt4 to build it!
Created attachment 79602 [details] ttcut-0.11.1_alpha.ebuild Changed the ebuil according to carstens recommendations.
Created attachment 83386 [details] ttcut-0.11.2_alpha.ebuild Version bump to ttcut-0.11.2_alpha
Created attachment 84067 [details] ttcut-0.11.2_alpha.ebuild cleaned up Cleaned up the ebuild a bit, removed desktop-files and pictures in src_install. No additional files were needed to build the package
Created attachment 90019 [details] ttcut-0.11.2_alpha.ebuild with starter Added a starter for easy access in gnome applications menu.
Created attachment 90021 [details] ttcut.desktop Starter for ttcut.
Created attachment 90022 [details] ttmpeg2.desktop Starter for ttmpeg2.
This is now in the sunrise overlay. You can find it at: http://gentoo-sunrise.org/svn/sunrise/media-video/ttcut
Created attachment 90051 [details] ttcut-0.11.2_alpha.ebuild Added the desktop by using make_desktop_entry now. Thanks to omp for cleaning up the ebuild.
Created attachment 90215 [details] ttcut-0.11.2_alpha-r1.ebuild Desktop files are now created by make_desktop_entry eclass.
Created attachment 90216 [details] ttcut-0.11.4_alpha.ebuild Version bump
Created attachment 90217 [details] ttcut-0.11.4_alpha.ebuild Version bump
Added a version which uses the svn-source of ttcut, see http://www.gentoo-sunrise.org/sunrise/browser/sunrise/media-video/ttcut/ttcut-9999.ebuild for details.
Some changes done in ttcut-0.11.4_alpha.ebuild and ttcut-9999.ebuild. added lost changes again fixed problem with qt4.eclass added check for qt3support in x11-libs/qt in order to make ttmpeg2 compile
Added to portage tree.