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Bug 103309 - New cjk-latex package 4.7.0 come out
Summary: New cjk-latex package 4.7.0 come out
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: TeX project
: 103311 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-08-22 01:48 UTC by Jie Luo
Modified: 2007-11-11 09:23 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

cjk-latex-4.6.0.ebuild (cjk-latex-4.6.0.ebuild,3.42 KB, text/plain)
2005-09-15 21:58 UTC, Jie Luo
cjk-latex-4.6.0.ebuild (cjk-latex-4.6.0.ebuild,3.57 KB, text/plain)
2005-09-16 18:03 UTC, Jie Luo
cjk-latex-4.6.0.ebuild (cjk-latex-4.6.0.ebuild,3.59 KB, text/plain)
2005-09-18 00:09 UTC, Jie Luo
cjk-latex-4.6.0.ebuild (cjk-latex-4.6.0.ebuild,3.34 KB, text/plain)
2005-09-18 22:24 UTC, Jie Luo

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jie Luo 2005-08-22 01:48:25 UTC
New cjk-latex package version 4.6.0 come out on 11-Aug-2005. Can anyone add it
into portage.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-08-22 01:55:00 UTC
*** Bug 103311 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Jie Luo 2005-09-15 21:58:36 UTC
Created attachment 68557 [details]
Comment 3 Jie Luo 2005-09-15 23:25:45 UTC
There still a problem in this ebuild, there is a directory 'utils/subfonts',
which contains useful scripts for manipulating subfont by using fontforge, I
don't know where it should be installed.
Comment 4 Yuan MEI 2005-09-16 07:14:19 UTC
why not put 'utils/subfonts' into /usr/share/cjk-latex
Comment 5 Jie Luo 2005-09-16 09:48:45 UTC
I will fix this and also will try to fix bug #40354. Thanks for your comment.
Comment 6 Jie Luo 2005-09-16 18:03:03 UTC
Created attachment 68627 [details]
Comment 7 Jie Luo 2005-09-17 05:45:50 UTC
Can anyone add this new version of cjk-latex into portage? It seems that my new
ebuilds for cjk-latex-4.5.2 and cjk-latex-4.6.0 resolve bug #40354. Maybe
cjk-latex can be marked as stable in x86 sometime, it has been in ~x86 for a
very long time. 
Comment 8 Jie Luo 2005-09-18 00:09:27 UTC
Created attachment 68715 [details]

Don't create symbol link, it makes package remove not clean. Install hbfs font
into texmf/fonts/misc instead for hbf2gf looking hbf fonts in this dir.
Comment 9 Jie Luo 2005-09-18 22:23:34 UTC
Change the ebuild to install doc correctly to get texdoc work with cjk-latex
docs. And install 'utils/subfonts' dir to texmf/scripts/subfonts instead of
/usr/share/cjk-latex/subfonts to make it TDS compatible.
Comment 10 Jie Luo 2005-09-18 22:24:39 UTC
Created attachment 68790 [details]
Comment 11 Yuan MEI 2005-10-16 10:14:54 UTC
why this is still not in the portage tree?  /usr/portage/dev-tex/cjk-latex
Comment 12 Martin Ehmsen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-02-15 02:08:23 UTC
Sorry for this late reply, but we are currently understaffed!
I will have a look at this later this week. It is very nice that you also fixed bug #40354!
After I have commited this ebuild and you have verified that it fixes bug #40354 then there should be no problem openening a bug about stabilizing this version of cjk-latex.
Comment 13 Andreas Klauer 2006-05-30 11:21:24 UTC
I've just emerged this, however, I cannot get it to work. When compiling the example files from /usr/share/doc/cjk-latex-4.6.0/examples, I get nothing but errors, for example about missing 'cyberb00' font. Not a single one of the examples actually compiles. My CJK-4.6.0-fonts.tar.gz does not contain any such font. Does it actually work for anyone?
Comment 14 Jie Luo 2006-06-14 02:33:15 UTC
(In reply to comment #13)
> I've just emerged this, however, I cannot get it to work. When compiling the
> example files from /usr/share/doc/cjk-latex-4.6.0/examples, I get nothing but
> errors, for example about missing 'cyberb00' font. Not a single one of the
> examples actually compiles. My CJK-4.6.0-fonts.tar.gz does not contain any such
> font. Does it actually work for anyone?

This just because you don't install cyberbit type1 font(for UTF-8), and also arphic type1 fonts(for Big5 and GB). The Chinese examples in doc dir can only compile successfully with these fonts installed. I do test *JIS, KS and thai examples, some of them failed because lacking corresponding fonts. But I don't think we need to install all fonts with cjk-latex package. 

The CJK-4.6.0-fonts.tar.gz only provide some ugly bitmap fonts which are not even used by people. I think maybe let users know they should install addtion type1 fonts themselves to make cjk-latex working correctly is a good idea to deal with this problem.
Comment 15 Andreas Klauer 2006-06-14 08:25:29 UTC
The installation procedure seems to be complicated; first you have to get the ttf fonts, then download ttf2pk package from ctan, then you have to find out how to create the fonts properly, and then you still have to find out where to place the resulting files (if the conversion does not fail in the first place, that is...).

It would be really nice to have emerge take over this tedious work. What's the point of emerging a cjk package when you can't use cjk with it, without installing extra software manually? (And so far I have failed to install it manually :-()

Or is there already a font package for it which I've missed all the time? I emerged all media-fonts/* packages that are not ~x86/masked.
Comment 16 Jie Luo 2006-06-14 10:58:22 UTC
Em, then I suggest to install type1 fonts not pk fonts. It is not enough to install only pk fonts, because dvips and dvipdfm need type1 fonts. After install type1 fonts properly, tetex can automatically genterate pk fonts when needed.

As I know, there are mainly two general methods to get use of CJK truetype fonts in latex. First is using ttf2pt1 and ttf2tfm (or other similar tools) to create type1 fonts from CJK truetype fonts, and create *.map files for dvips and dvipdfm by hand or by scripts. Second is using fontforge and subfont scripts in cjk-latex package. Both methods could be done automatically by using bash scripts. But both methods consume a lot of time, especially the latter. It some times takes hours to complete. So maybe it is a good idea to provide a script that can install truetype fonts correctly instead of just install some CJK fonts for user.

> Or is there already a font package for it which I've missed all the time? 

Yes, there are some in CTAN.

> I emerged all media-fonts/* packages that are not ~x86/masked.

You should do some addtion works to make it work with tex.
Comment 17 Alexis Ballier gentoo-dev 2007-11-11 09:23:32 UTC
bumped to 4.7.0 ;)